From Sweetbriar Nature Center

Meet our newest little screech owl patient, who’s not quite Newton (edit: their other screech owl), but definitely has a story to tell!

This sweet eastern screech owl was recently rescued after being hit by a car and suffering a broken leg. Right now, he’s one of three screech owls recovering in our hosptal, and while he’s a bit wobbly, he’s a fighter!

Owls are incredible hunters, using their feet to grip and tear apart their meals. But with an injured leg, it’s been tough for him to eat. So, we’ve come up with a little trick: we gently place a mouse head first into his beak, and he takes it from there!

It’s amazing to see him adapt and work through his challenges. Every day, he’s one step closer to recovery and ready to soar again!

Did you know that screech owls usually catch their prey with their feet. The 4 toes on each foot have needle- sharp talons that could easily pierce through a fingernail. The talons also serve as defensive weapons. A cornered screech owl sometimes leans on its back, directing the talons at its attacker.

Of the 4 toes, two are directed forward, one to the side to widen the foot’s grasp, and one backwards. The toe to the side can be shifted forward or backwards to facilitate perching. The skin on the underside of the toes is rough, aiding the screech owl in picking up slippery prey such as earthworms.

Follow along for more updates on our little warrior and the rest of our feathered friends!

  • anon6789OP
    113 months ago

    That tiny cast! 🥰 (Not a video, just one frame of the clip)

  • Optional
    33 months ago

    Awww teh skreetchz! Not Newton eh . . . so . . Leibniz?

      • Optional
        23 months ago

        totes adorbs - sadly my jihad against facepals means I can’t wartch the vids but the story is good enough :)

        • anon6789OP
          23 months ago

          Dang it. Didn’t notice they were hosted there.

          He doesn’t do too much in the bag. Here’s some stills.

          The other one of him snacking is cuter.

    • anon6789OP
      33 months ago

      I like it!

      Hopefully little Leibniz doesn’t become lost in thought while over the road again!