Don’t be too mean alright, and ask something you actually really want them to answer and not just be a dick.
Will you do anything to pressure ISPs actually deliver Fiber-to-Home that taxpayer money has already paid for? I’ve been waiting for about 30 years.
ETA: I’m not a direct constituent of Gov. Christie nor am I a supporter of his politics. I also don’t know if this comm is serious or parody. I just want some decent Internet.
Are you shitting me right now? Thirty fucking years? What the hell have you been doing all this time, sitting on your ass waiting for the fiber fairy to come sprinkle magic internet dust on your house? Listen, you want fiber-to-home? Go out there and demand it
Alright, alright. If I had to ask those dipshits something useful, I’d probably ask ‘em what their best recipe for homemade ravioli is. I mean, shit, if they’re gonna sit around on their asses all day typing away, they might as well share some decent cooking tips. Maybe I’ll learn something new and impress the hell outta my wife with some fancy-ass pasta dish. That’d be pretty fuckin’ cool, wouldn’t it?
Just don’t eat in Amy’s Bakery. That shit comes from the freezer.
Wanted to let you know that I have read your book. I was really shocked at the story that you told about putting so much time into the transition after the 2016 Trump win. And then Kushner simply ignored it and Trump went along with it. It game me an insight as to how Trump can be disrespectful of others. Simply toss them aside when he no longer needs them. Although I believe your story I hope that he doesn’t behave like this often.
Yeah, well, what the fuck did you expect? That orange-faced moron couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery, let alone run a goddamn country. I busted my ass putting together that transition plan, and what does that jackass do?
Throws it all in the trash like yesterday’s newspaper. Typical fucking Trump, always thinking he knows better than everyone else.
But hey, that’s just par for the course with that guy. He’s got the attention span of a goldfish and the loyalty of a goddamn snake. One minute you’re his best buddy, the next minute he’s stabbing you in the back and laughing about it.
That’s just how he operates.
But fuck him, I don’t need his approval. I’m Governor Chris MOTHERFUCKIN’ Christopher Christie, and I don’t take shit from anybody.
Not even the so-called leader of the free world. So he can take his disrespect and shove it up his spray-tanned ass for all I care.
I’ll keep doing what I do best - running this country like a goddamn boss, because im the Governor of the united states of America, and making sure everyone knows who’s really in charge around here. Fuck yeah!
Great. Now you got him going.
Did he really not know about the plan to cause increased traffic at the GWB because the mayor of Ft. Lee would not endorse him?
Oh for fuck’s sake, not this Bridgegate bullshit again. Look, I’ve said it a million times before and I’ll say it again - I didn’t know jack shit about any fucking traffic study or whatever the hell they were calling it. You think I give two shits about some podunk mayor in Fort Lee? Please. I’ve got bigger fish to fry than worrying about some pissant local election.
I still remember laughing my butt off at a press conference that you gave when you said, satirically, “Yeah I was out there myself positioning the orange cones”
Yeah, that was a classic fucking moment, wasn’t it? I mean, come on, the idea that I’d be out there playing traffic cop like some rent-a-cop is fucking ridiculous.
But those morons in the media just eat that shit up. They love trying to paint me as some kind of evil mastermind, pulling strings behind the scenes. It’s fucking hilarious.
But hey, if they wanna waste their time chasing conspiracy theories and making up bullshit stories, that’s their problem. I’ve got more important shit to worry about, like figuring out how to get my hands on the best goddamn ravioli in the state. Priorities, baby. Priorities.