First Fenix, now this… FFS. If you’re not going to use them, let them go.
I wouldn’t dream of comparing Tony Khan to Vince McMahon as a human being, but this is a Vince move.
Tony needs therapy after CM Punk, and I’m not trying to be funny this time. That man is not responding well to being hurt.
Too bad he aligned himself with his infantile EVPs who did fuck all to squash the Cabana rumors.
How bad can you mess up to get Punk to mend fences with WWE?
Punk is a turd that is going to do whatever it takes to get adoration. He’ll probably flame out in the WWE again too.
If Punk wasn’t a paranoid asshole who completely lost his fucking mind over the phrase “workers’ rights”, none of that shit would have happened.
Maybe the Bucks are a little immature, but they aren’t the ones who spent months upon months throwing a tantrum and hitting people for no good reason.
It is for sure.
That is some petty shit lol.
If true it really is
I just don’t understand keeping somebody you don’t want to use. It’s just stupid. I understand they signed the contract, but those contracts are crap. I also don’t run two multi-million-dollar sports franchises and don’t have all the data and info that TK has either but as an outsider, it looks McMahon levels of petty.
What does losing Starks to WWE hurt? Nothing, Tony has something like 200 on the roster, and I think somebody calculated he only uses about 80 of them. Just cut your losses and send him packing, it’s a win-win because it saves AEW money to use on Final Countdown when Bobblehead Bryan wants to come back.
Looks like his surprise GCW promo just got him pulled from indie bookings for a while now too, according to SRS/Fightful Select.
Haven’t read it yet but yeah I just saw the headline pop up and something about AEW not liking what Effy said about them lol.
Now TK is pissed off lmao. Good going Effy you cost your ‘boy’ some work with your big mouth.
Honesty, I know it’s not the popular opinion here, but I feel both Fenix and Starks are getting what they deserve. They signed these contracts.
They did, but the issue with that is this is essentially the same lopsided contract every wrestling company has. If the contract can be cancelled at any time by the contractee and not the contracter then I’m going to have a hard time siding with the contractee in any situation.
sorry but ricky starks has far too big of an ego for someone who is mid at best. i hate egos on wrestlers but i hate them more on wrestlers who didn’t earn the egos.
I think a lot of that ego comes from praise he received early on in his AEW run. He has a great look, and even Danielson vouched for his wrestling ability, so I’d say some of it is earned. But the tag title run with Big Bill was kind of a head scratcher, and everything since, aside from the feud with Danielson, wasn’t particularly memorable.
the wild thing is i don’t even remember he had a feud with danielson >_>
Same lol.
I like Starks but I really am dying for the rest of the IWC to realize he has a midcard-at-best ceiling regardless of if he’s in AEW, WWE, NWA or Juggalo Championship Wrestling lmao.