I made the bed this morning meaning that it will ready tonight when I go to sleep. Added benefit: it stops the dog having a sneaky nap directly on the undersheet when she thinks nobody’s around.

  • @[email protected]
    102 months ago

    I have always been in two minds about making the bed. When I sleep in it I sweat, so if I get up and immediately pull the blankets over the area where I was lying, I’m trapping the sweaty dampness in the sheets where it will fester until I add more to it the next night. Won’t the sheets get disgusting quicker this way? If I don’t make the bed but leave it uncovered, the sheets get a chance to air out before the next time I foul it up with my sweaty old man body. So making the bed looks nice but is a bit nasty, whereas not making the bed looks nasty but is a bit nice.