So. I joined Steam and after fiddling with my settings, discovered there’s a MASSIVE amount of very NSFW/Erotica games out there. But it got me wondering… are any actually well designed games with fun gameplay? Or is it all just hentai/porn for sex sake?
#gaming #videogames #PCGaming
Take Me To The Dungeon! is a pretty decent rougelite deck-builder/card battler. Sakura Dungeon is a surprisingly good old school dungeon crawler/monster catcher. If you took the nudity out of either game they would still be good games.
Sakura Dungeon or as I call it, Pokemon with slime girls. That was the only Sakura game Id played so I did a humble bundle they had…and it is unfortunately an outlier. The rest of the games are VNs with boobs
My GF went down this rabbit hole out of a similar curiosity after she found some porn game with a high detail character creator that she will uses for creating and posing models for art.
I don’t think she ever found one. IIRC, They all seem to be “earn your porn scene” or “play out your sex fantasy with shoehorned in RPG mechanics”. She mentioned hearing of great games that are just highly sexualized, but nothing sex focused that is also mechanically good.
This was over a course of only a couple days before she lost interest and I have never bothered looking into it because I don’t care about sex in games.
@[email protected] This one is interesting. Turn based JRPG + farming sim with great reviews!
What was that first game?
Where’s the leisure suit Larry remake?!?
Following a style game play?!?
Leisure Suit Larry never went away. The last release was in 2020 and I think all the old releases are still playable. The modern ones have mixed reviews.
Hunie Pop is one of the first famous datinf/porn games.
Really good bejeweled type game
ssethtzeentach covers games like that. It’s probably over 50% of his content by now 😒
I think Skyrim is pretty good, almost as good as Oblivion, and both have naked nudes being nude and stuff
@[email protected] Yeah, I know some games get nekkid, I think Baulders Gate 3 does too, I was more just like, are people who make porn games putting effort into making a fun game too or is it just an excuse to see characters bone.