• @[email protected]
    133 months ago

    Can’t wait for a Brexin and have them losing all the special treatment they used to have as members of the Union!

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      As much as I hate Brexin as a name. Brin is better.

      Honestly, us brits that watched from the mid 80s. (was born in 70). And supported the EU agree with you.

      We had a huge majority to join in 74. But never really seemed to feel a part of the union.

      Much of it was our gov and media blaming the EU for crap. Heck, to the point, the EU had a website dedicated to UK press lies.

      But none of the UK press seemed to take up that story until Brexit. When the harm was already done. Even then it was minimal.

      Honestly, we seem to have some of the most corrupt press in Europe.

      • MrScottyTay
        93 months ago

        Yep, the media really fuck us over. Ran by oligarchs, most of them

      • katy ✨
        53 months ago

        i mean the uk never felt a part of the union because they demanded special treatment to keep them different like not adopting the euro, etc.

  • TheTechnician27
    3 months ago

    I agree with the idea that the UK should foster closer ties with the EU (and that they should rejoin), but this poll seems really badly formed. Respondents were given four options:

    • Getting a free trade agreement with the USA (28%)
    • A closer trading relationship with the EU (49%)
    • Don’t know (21%)
    • Prefer not to say (2%)

    So it presents two main options which 1) are not mutually exclusive and more importantly 2) represent a false dichotomy. Despite this, there is no option for “Neither”, “Both”, or “Other” – instead just “Don’t know”. Given people in the UK have had nearly a decade to develop strong opinions on trade with the EU after it came to the fore with Brexit, the pretty large 21% “Don’t know” seems to reflect that a lot of people whose vote would have said “Neither” probably fell into “Don’t know”. The option about the EU is extremely vague about a “closer trading relationship” which could mean a million different things to different people, while the one about the US is strictly “a free trade agreement”.

    • @pdxfed
      93 months ago

      I’m not sure who wins in a battle or cutting off their economic nose to spite their face in the ring between ignorant, manipulable racists in the UK vs. the US. Truly a bout for the ages, going 10 rounds for sure.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          Technically, France is more daddy to the US. Given its France they turned to when separating from the UK. We’re more of the laudanum addicted mummy, blaming them for the fact we got old and ugly.

          • MrScottyTay
            43 months ago

            France was just the new legal guardian. The UK was the abusive father that had child protective services called on them.

  • mrmule
    23 months ago

    Awaiting Breentry

  • katy ✨
    23 months ago

    countries should turn away from the dollar and fight trump on every stand but what will happen is they’ll all grovel toward him and normalise him because they’d rather pander to the far right in their countries instead of the majority of their citizens.