• @just_another_person
    133 months ago

    I don’t think they have one, honestly. These jackalfucks are out to make an insane statement. Everyone who was concerned should have just run. Just under 2 months left.

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
    63 months ago

    I sympathise with people who want to be here, but DACA is just an executive order that already has shaky legal grounds. It was a temporary pause in deportations to allow congress to pass a law that provides a path towards legal status for people who entered without permission, it’s not meant to be a permanent status. Any president can reverse it. Congress can override the president and try to nullify it by passing a law to reverse DACA as part of an omnibus budget bill that will probably pass with 2/3 majority to override the president’s veto, especially if government shutdowns and the threat of defaulting on debts is on the table. And not to mention, the supreme court can shut it down. And there’s no guarantee that even a liberal majority supreme court would let it become de facto law for over a decade.

    This issue is: its either gonna [A] get addressed by congress as a law, or [B] its eventually getting reversed one way or another. And since congress doesn’t want to deal with it, DACA is doomed to fail and get reversed. Democrats cant win elections forever, all it takes is one republican administration to tear it down.

    • growsomethinggood ()
      133 months ago

      Just a reminder to folks who are sympathizing but hesitant, DACA are people brought over as minors. They did not have any decision making in coming here legally or not and largely haven’t grown up outside the US. They are Americans, plain and simple. Regardless of the legal system at play here, morally and ethically they belong in their home in the US. We need to fight the idea of deportation being acceptable here (and broadly as well). Please stand up for your neighbors!

      • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
        3 months ago

        Yea well I’m not a rich or influential person so there nothing I could do about it. Like the best I can do is not report anyone that I know is undocumented, I can’t stop everyone else from reporting them.

        And also I’m one person, I cannot fight a squad of ICE agents.

        • growsomethinggood ()
          33 months ago

          Definitely not expecting you alone to solve this issue! I am speaking generally to anyone reading to be aware of the tangible effects of these policy decisions on actual people who, under even pretty strict definitions, didn’t do anything wrong.

          The solution to feeling powerless as an individual, btw, is to find like-minded people and organize! In 2017 people came together to stop ICE agents in airports, on Greyhound busses, and more. No one is asking folks to be John Wick.