• @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Was this not a given? I remember something about weird Chinese military Supply train routes in the early months of the war

    • BrikoXOP
      41 year ago

      Sure was, but now there is US document publically stating that. The weight someone wants to give it is up to them.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Fair enough. I’m curious how much of this equipment is more shitty outdated weaponry cloned from Russian weapons.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      When Russia was considered a super power, this would have been news. Now that they’re known as a paper tiger, this isn’t surprising.

  • @luffyuk
    41 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • zeroxxx
      11 year ago

      Yeah but it is not suitable for rage inducing title, so they choose China instead.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        The double standards and american exceptionalism of the people that post CNN/WaPo/NYT news articles on foreign events…

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Russia is the aggressor and the US stands with Ukraine and helps them.

          China pretends to be ‘neutral’ in a war so glaringly having a country violate the sovereignty of Ukraine but then secretly support the aggressor.

          What is so difficult to understand? Or do you purposefully try to muddy the waters by invoking “whatabout…?” and see if the countries supporting Ukraine could be slandered?

          This war could not be more clear in who is the aggressor and who try to help the violated. The fact you feel the need to point in all directions and try to steer attention away from where we should be paying attention to is in itself a despicable act, only the logical conclusion I am left with is that you somehow feel aligned with russia and it’s war path against others. You created a moral outrage where other should feel bad but the only thing you have truly done is put a stain on your character. Pathetic and shameful to be basically rooting for russia at this point.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            This war could not be more clear in who is the aggressor

            Ofc it could be clearer. For example: The US invasion of Iraq was a an actually unprovoked invasion

            You’re just late at learning about a border conflict at a time of horrible escalation and don’t have anything but imperialist propagandaof a meddling party to draw conclusions from.

            And no I don’t have the emotional energy to spare to discuss it here I just want to signal much needed dissent to people stumbling over this thread

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You prohibiting current actions because of . This attitude might seem nobel or informed but whatabout is your true argument and it gets you nowhere.

              The fact you sow doubt on the invasion of Ukraine as ‘perhaps russia had a point to start killing civilians’ is despicable and tells me you are a russian puppet or bad faith actor, just to muddy the waters.

              Imagine being against unjust invasions (and there is a point to be made for that) but when clear and present danger presents itself you use unjust invasions to justify the war of aggression perpetuated by russia. The irony probably slips right by you. Well, it would if your mindset is to ‘level’ all events as ‘the same’. Pathetic and dubious at best.

          • @ghariksforge
            -21 year ago

            US is a murderous invader that has invaded Iraq, Afganistan in my lifetime and continues to bomb many places on earth.

            Who will support victims of American agression?

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Regardless of discussion, you whitewash the rusian terrorist war and support by china by saying “others did bad, ok to kill people now in ukraine”.

              You are OK with war, what are you complaining about?

              • @ghariksforge
                -11 year ago

                My complaint is that Americans are hypocrites doing the same. You whitewash your governments terrorist wars.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  There you go again.
                  Start a thread and discuss hypocrisy in the world.

                  This is about china supporting russia who started a war and is mass killing people. And you use it to start whitewashing that by doing “whatabout!”

                  Bank is robbed. Gangsters get away. Another bank is robbed. You argue the gangsters need to roam free because the other gangsters got away. Not only that, you want to hide bank robbery #2 because you know you are friends were the gangsters that did it!

                  Hypocrisy. I don’t believe you understand that word at all.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          How is saying that close military allies are supporting each other ‘AmErIcAn ExCePtIoNaLiSm’?

          Fuck off back to lemmygrad.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            He is on lemmygrad, that’s how federation works.

            If you want to be in a neoliberal echo chamber, you should move to beehaw. Or back to reddit.

            • @[email protected]
              -11 year ago

              Maybe you’re too stupid to understand, but just because you don’t have to make another account to participate in different instances doesn’t mean anyone cares about your despot-worshiping bullshit outside of your home instance.

            • @[email protected]
              -11 year ago

              Pretty weird to talk about echo chambers when someone’s calling out zero value circlejerk comments.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago
            1. Russia is not using them. Only Ukraine has been.

            2. So you’re okay with them using chemical weapons, petal mines (which they have), bioweapons… just anything goes, right? The people of Crimea and Donbas are “defenders”, can they do anything too?

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                It is well documented, by Human Rights Watch and others, that **the Ukrainian military **has used cluster munitions. There is nothing to support a claim that Russia has done so. The Pentagon has rejected the earlier claimed evidence of Russian cluster munition attacks:

                Commenting on videos depicting alleged Russian cluster munition use, DOD officials stated during a March 1, 2022 press conference that “we’ve seen the same video that you have but we have not assessed that it is definitive with respect to the use of cluster munitions. So we are not in a position to confirm the use of cluster munitions at this time.” In a similar manner, a DOD official stated during March 3, 2022, press conference that DOD was still unable to confirm Russia’s use of cluster munitions.

                1. So you’ve an issue with the effects of a weapon leaving the AOR but no issue with a weapon that still kills people over 70 years later.

                Get some consistency man, you’re all over the place.

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  It may surprise you to know that in a thread where I advocate for the US giving Ukraine cluster munitions, that I don’t care that Ukraine has been using cluster munitions.

                  As stated by another, your Pentagon source is out of date. It’s pretty funny though that you reject HRW saying Russia is using them, but use HRW as your source that Ukraine is.

                  WRT chemical weapons: different things are different. When you can contain things in an AOR, I’m less concerned about the lingering effects. Areas can be closed off and cleared, especially when you’re the one that dropped them. That’s way less possible with chemical weapons, that will literally drift with the wind.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Like once a year we get an article about how the us military is too reliant on Chinese parts in their supply chain lol

  • @ghariksforge
    21 year ago

    Why did you expect China to follow Western sanctions?

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    “China is helping Russia evade Western sanctions”

    Uh, even if this is true, so what? China isn’t beholden to the west? The notions of supremacy are unreal with American media.

    • BrikoXOP
      11 year ago

      It’s interesting though as weak Russia is in China’s favor. But it seems that they choosing short-time gain of cheap gas/oil instead for now.

      • @[email protected]M
        1 year ago

        A weak Russia wouldn’t distract the flailing US empire’s focus while China continues to overtake the US. China is absolutely interested in a strong Russia.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          It’s currently under question whether China will ever overtake the US in GDP. If you’re solely projecting based on the assumption that current growth will continue that is a sensible conclusion, but it’s a faulty one. First and foremost, China has a much older demographic makeup that will be a drag on economic grow. Second, the birthrate is significantly lower than the US (1.28 in China vs 1.64 in the US in 2020), where 2.1 is replacement. Last, the US has decent amounts of immigration that help make up the difference between births and replacement, while China is experiencing negative migration rates. China and the US are both attempting policy changes, but haven’t had much success.

          • @[email protected]M
            -11 year ago

            Russia has the GDP of Italy. It isnt a great way to measure productive capacity. China has overtaken the US in productive capacity already.

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              I’m not talking about Russia, though they have the same demographic issues without the strong economy and with high rates of corruption. China does indeed lead in manufacturing, but not in overall GDP. There is no guarantee they will retain that lead either.

              • @[email protected]M
                -11 year ago

                I’ll breK it down for you.

                GDP is not the best measure of how large an economy is doing. That was why I referenced Russia.

                A joke to illustrate why:

                Two economicists are walking down a sidewalk. They see a dog shit. One pays the other 20 dollars to eat it. A spectator asks in horror why the man ate dogshit. He says “I felt it was important to add 20 dollars to the GDP”.

                China does indeed lead in manufacturing, but not in overall GDP. There is no guarantee they will retain that lead either.

                Oh, I agree. At some point in the 22nd century a pan-african alliance will probably overtake them.

                • @[email protected]
                  01 year ago

                  GDP is not the best measure of how large an economy is doing.

                  What is the best measurement, then? Manufacturing capacity alone isn’t a good measurement, since that is just one part of the economy. Most advice I’ve heard is to draw from many different indices to produce a fuller picture of an economy, keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each individual number.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      As a Canadian American who currently hates Russia and what Russia feels is an appropriate reaction to Ukraine seeking to join Nato. Not to mention the number of children they have killed, civilians they have openly executed…I couldn’t hate Russia more than I do right now. Used to respect them and like Putin. Anyways, even though it sucks, Russia and China have every right to work together. We can’t control things like this. However, I hope Ukraine kicks Russia’s ass.

  • @Sans_outside
    11 year ago

    And in other news millions of US arms to Ukraine keep ending up in Africa. But let’s talk about China helping Russia even though we already new this was going to happen from the start.

  • @[email protected]
    01 year ago

    YEah, no surprise there. See past the veil, Rus never changed when the un-dethroneable president is “ex” KGB.

  • @[email protected]M
    -21 year ago

    Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, DPRK, China, are all socialist projects that have succeeded to some extent. Most of them have pretty concrete plans to fully sieze the means of production by 2050 or so.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      By “succeed” you mean the 1000s of countrymen and women that were slaughtered to silence by the tyrannical leaders’ armies because they were an actual threat to their grip on the people. The “success” that so many outsiders take as fact is nothing but cleverly crafted lies to make communism and socialism seem better than it actually is. The REAL truth is told by the citizens that successfully fled said countries and fled to America and other free countries. Listen to their stories and the things they experienced. THAT is the truth of what goes on in the countries.

      • @[email protected]M
        1 year ago
        1. US police kill around a thousand people who arent in prison every year. The US contains 25 percent of the world’s prisoners despite only making up 4 percent of the world’s population.

        2. By “succeed” you mean the 1000s of countrymen and women that were slaughtered to silence by the tyrannical leaders’ armies because they were an actual threat to their grip on the people.

        2A) lots of those people were right wing or fascist assholes who should be repressed.

        2B) This is what every state does, capitalist or socialist. Socialist societies aren’t yet communist so they don’t get rid of the excesses of the state, they only get rid of the violence of capitalism.

        1. The US cuban regime was a horribly violent dictatorship. Now, Cuba has a thriving democracy which just overwhelmingly passed a family code by referendum that makes it the most progressive country in the world on lgbt and family rights. Before it was voted on, it was developed starting on the local level and where each citizen had input on the process and then moved up into larger committees.

        The US was responsible for four million vietnamese deaths by waging their illegal war there. Vietnam is now a flourishing democracy despite still cleaning up unexploded ordnance and chemical weapon contamination. The vietnamese people have a strong anarchist tradition and decentralized community armories to resist aggression. Every citizen is trained in basic warfare and college students are required to study more advanced military knowledge. If they didn’t want their government, their government wouldnt be around for long.

        Laos was bombed to shit by the US despite never being party to war. Laos is currently a one party socialist democracy that is doing well for itself and well for its people.

        The US killed 20 percent of the Korean population after the dprk tried to liberate the south, which had become a US puppet military dictatorship that was killing thousands of peaceful protestors and tens of thousands total, including random people and justifiably violent protestors. The DPRK has more democratic institutions than modern South Korea. South Korea’s military is still subordinate to the US pacific command.

        The socialist Chinese government has stronger democratic institutions than the US. Over a hundred million people are members of the party. The Chinese people overwhelmingly approve of the party: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/#:~:text=The survey team found that,“highly satisfied” with Beijing. Which makes sense, given that China has gone from an impoverished semi-feudal country to a modern nation massively improving the quality of life of everyone within it, all while breaking the US stranglehold on the world by merely being an economic alternative.

  • @[email protected]M
    -21 year ago

    Why would they do differently? Ignoring any moral arguments, Russia occupying NATO makes NATO or US aggression against China less likely to happen.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Three things. First, China had explicitly declared that it would not supply arms. Second, it has tried to cast itself as a neutral mediator and peacemaker. Third, it has a broader stated policy of respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty.

      • @[email protected]M
        -11 year ago

        Given that NATO is providing arms for Ukraine and NATO can’t make its weapons without China it does seem fair to also provide components to Russia.

        Third, it has a broader stated policy of respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty.

        It can’t do this without embargoing US weapons manufacturers, but that would be catastrophic so it makes sense that it is providing everyone instead of just the US.