I just wonder how long until we won’t be able to tell if this is actually real. Cause ai can easily do this and we may reach a point that there would be so many of these images generated that people just won’t be able to know or basically won’t care about the source, if it’s real or not
artists would have to make public a timelapse of their paintings as a security measure, but that’s the only idea i have
I’m confused. Is the cat on the left on the sidewalk or are the people next to it walking right in the middle of the traffic?
looks like a car parked on the edge and a few people walking around it
Maybe just being parked there, the lights are still on. What an asshole, in that case, not leaving room for the pedestrians to walk safely :)
In some French villages parking spaces literally straddle the curb so that half the space is on the sidewalk. Granted this road is much bigger.
Either way I wouldn’t assume malice here without more knowledge. Probably just people walking in the road - maybe due something obstructing the sidewalk.
It’s Paris so the car is probably parked in the middle of the sidewalk with blinkers on, the walkers just go all over the place without giving a fuck and there’s 3 bikes running a red light in the back.
Wow this is beautiful