Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023


By 45 Days Out From Enactment of Uap Disclosure Act of 2023

  • A standard record form/method for reporting specific to this act, created by the Archivist of the United States is made available to all Gov’t offices
  • The President receives nominee recommendations for the Review Board from the majority and minority leaders of the senate; the speaker of the house and minority leader of the house; the Secretary of Defense; the National Academy of Sciences; The UAP Disclosure Foundation; The American Historical Association; and other persons and organizations the President considers appropriate
  • The President appoints one nominee to the position of Executive Director of the Review Board (counts as one of the 9)

60 Days Out

  • The Archivist begins the establishment of the “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection” in the National Archives

90 Days Out

  • The President makes nominations to the Review Board

90-180 Days Out

Review Board Confirmation Hearings

  • To be held by the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate within 30 Days after the first date Senate is in session following the nomination of at least 3 individuals (including the E.D.) for appointment to the Review Board

Committee Voting

  • Within 14 Days after the first date Senate is in session following the confirmation hearings, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate will vote on the nominations and report results to the full Senate

Senate Votes to Confirm or Reject Each Nominee

  • Within 14 days after the first date Senate is in session after receiving the report from the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

180 Days Out

  • Review Board begins its work

300 Days Out

  • Entities with UAP-related records must have everything collected and submitted to the Review Board

September 30th, 2030

  • Review Board Termination Date (Unless Extended by Congress)

Review Board

9 American Citizens

Must include at least one individual from each of the following sectors:

  • National Security Official (Current or Former)
  • Foreign Service Official (Current or Former)
  • Scientist or Engineer
  • Economist
  • Professional Historian
  • Sociologist

Qualities Sought:

  • Impartial Citizens with no current or previous experience with UAP-related program
  • Distinguished persons of high national professional reputation in their respective fields capable of exercising the independent and objective judgement necessary to the fulfillment of the role


After transmission to the Archives, non-postponed records will be available to the public…

  • Physically (at the National Archives) Within 30 days
  • Digitally via the National Archives online database within 180 days

Precedence will be given to:

  • Records not already in the public domain
  • Records that clearly and unambiguously relate to UAP
  • Records that are the subject of litigation under section 552 of Title 5, United States Code
  • Earliest/most historical records

Postponement of Disclosure for Specific Records:

Every record must be fully disclosed after 25 years from the date of submission UNLESS the President signs off on a longer postponement for that specific record because disclosure would cause an “identifiable harm” that outweighs the public interest in disclosure

Must provide an unclassified written description for the reason for continued postponement of a record

*Must provide “clear and convincing evidence” that disclosure of a particular record would… *

  • Present a threat of such gravity to military, defense, or foreign relations, that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure
  • Compromise the identity of an intelligence agent requiring protection
  • Give away an important intelligence source or method that is currently used, or is reasonably expected to be used in the future by the Government for “intelligence activities”
  • Impair the national security of the United States
  • Reveal the identity of a living informant to the Government who would be at risk if their identity was known
  • “reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, and that invasion of privacy is so substantial that it outweighs the public interest”
  • Compromise a confidentiality agreement between a government agent and a cooperating individual or foreign government to such a harmful degree that it outweighs the public interest

In cases where the Review Board approves postponement it is urged to work with the originating source of the record to provide for the disclosure of “segregable parts, substitutes, or summaries”

“Public Interest” is defined as:

“The compelling interest in the prompt public disclosure of unidentified anomalous phenomena records for historical and Governmental purposes and for the purpose of fully informing the people of the United States about the history of the Federal Government’s knowledge and involvement surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena.”


What are the “exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 26 1954” mentioned in Section 2 as part of the reason some records have not yet been declassified?

What is section 552 of Title 5, United States Code, and what “litigation” relating to this section of the code pertains/could pertain to UAP?

What is the UAP Disclosure Foundation?

Who is the Archivist of the United States?

What are the rules and regulations governing, and authorities granted to the National Archives and Records Administration?

Will the Review Board confirmation hearings be public?

Who is on these committees?

  • Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate
  • Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
  • Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives
  • Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of Representatives

Credit to reddit user Coltsfoot_Finds

If there is anything that needs to be changed or added, please let me know.

  • Zoboomafoo
    2 years ago

    Thanks for waiting until after the summer recess (I presume) to sign this, Biden. I Iove having blue balls