Final front cover art by Stygian Software (2015):

  • @darthsid
    33 months ago

    Late 2000s military shooter colour says hello 😆

    • Agent KaryoOP
      13 months ago

      I’ve played the original, but not the DLCs.

      It’s a great game overall. Clearly reminiscent of Fallout 1/2 and to a lesser extent Arcanum.

      Word of warning, this is a really hard game. I would recommend getting a build guide, it is really easy to mess up your build even if you have experience with older RPGs.

      The combat is top notch and allows for different play styles that offers significant tactical variety. There is a lot of combat, but it is not a ARPG, far from it.

      The world building is great. I was genuinely curious to learn about the world, its backstory and faction dynamics. It’s a very atmospheric experience.

      The writing is mediocre. A lot of the characters are more like cardboard cutouts and/or quest dispensers. The missions tend to be relatively similar.

      You do have to enjoy old-school RPG, with cheesing tactics, min-maxing and brutal combat.