Huh. Kinda surprising that there’s a lawsuit, that this is allegedly against some rule. It’s America, so I just assumed, if your parents are rich and you want to go to some elite college, of course you’re extra welcome. Here, have an pillow with the university’s logo embroidered on it.
Getting rid of that was part of an antitrust settlement in the 1990s. The lawsuit is about breaching the settlement terms.
“Diploma mills are gonna diploma mill.”
—The Wharton School, probably
In other news m, the NYT publishes articles based on absolute lies (see: Judith Miller)
The New York Times determined that several stories she wrote about Iraq were inaccurate, and she was forced to resign from the paper in 2005.[2] According to commentator Ken Silverstein, Miller’s Iraq reporting “effectively ended her career as a respectable journalist”.[5