My small brain goes straight to Ninja. But obviously we already have that one.
Just citing some theory from reddit. The Spanish for turtle is Tortuga (which was a Pirate base during the days). As for the ninja it hints that it will share gear with Ninja (scouting)
Yea given the clothes visible at the end of the cinematic teaser some kind of piratey privateer, corsair job seems likely.
Looking forward to it!
April O’Neil. RPT. The reporter class. Take photos of enemies to defeat them with devastating SCOOPS!
A limited job working with the likes of The Harbor Herald, The Mythril Eye, etc. could make for a fun bit of side content. Or, well, maybe not a “job” per se but in the same way that you can work as a postmoogle and level up over time.
Even a questline like the postmoogle quests could be cool
All of the turtles are named after famous Renaissance artists. Painter as the new magic job?
All of the turtles are green. Green Mage as the new magic job?
The turtles are all ninjas, and one of them dual-wields swords. Corsair melee job that dual wields swords and shares gear with ninjas?
I mean there’s technically a precedent for a painter job ala Relm in FFVI, but I don’t know how well that would expand into a full blown job.
But with the new “lifestyle” content promised plus the crossing the sea to the New World, I think some sort of pirate related job seems a reasonable bet for the melee role.
Relm reborn if you will
@zumi cowabunga could be related to surfing. Surfing could be connected to the physical range job being a blitzer like from Final Fantasy X where they have and islander aesthetic to it. Weapon of choice being the bliztzball.
They already revealed the job is a caster, not physical ranged, though.
Kinda wrong, as we were told the two new jobs are physical melee and caster. So the t-shirt could be either of the two or even both. However I’m leaning more towards it hinting to the physical melee
Kojin will be a playable race
I’ve seen talk that is a reference to the turtle’s names and it’s for the Pictomancer from I think 6? And the melee DPS would be Corsair cause pirate and rogue is already another thing.
Yeah FF6 has Relm, whose ability “sketch” lets her copy enemies’ attacks by drawing them with a brush. It’s fairly similar to blue mage in its original form, but I highly doubt they’d make a second, highly similar limited. So I suspect it’s a lot like blue mage in its style except it’s a real job.
Previously Yoshi P’s shirt clues have not been particularly complicated so I think this solution makes the most sense so far.
Pictomancer/Painter is the one I’m most on-board with, but I’m not sure how it would fit into the FFXIV design. Super excited to see whatever it is!
Yeah, that makes the most sense to me
I’m in agreement with everyone about the Corsair/Pirate job (though I think they’d lean Corsair for the name because of the negative connotation of Pirate, same reason we got Rogue and not Thief)
I’ve also seen some still that show some assets had been removed from the trailer, there’s a shot where Meteor has an empty hand that looks like he has pistol.
Also come on, he just LOOKS like a pirate
Turtle class confirmed
My pet theory is that it’s hinting at a Pirate-themed job. Pirates vs Ninjas
Maybe a less magical Ninja-variant?
The TMNT weapons are katana, sai, staff, nunchucks. We already have katana (samurai) and sai (ninja/daggers.) I suppose the staff could be BLM. Maybe there’s a nunchuck/chained mace wielding melee job, or a quarterstaff melee. Maybe a nunchuck/mace melee and another staff caster?
There’s been talk about an alchemist caster in the past - that could hint from the TMNT origin where a scientist creates a mutagen that spills into the sewer and mutates the turtles.
The old TMNT movies featured Jim Henson puppets, so maybe puppet master - a job in FFXI.
The TMNT characters are obviously animals, so… beast master?
I agree that the corsair theories are good though, but corsair has been a gunslinging job in the past, which is currently filled by machinist, and apparently it’s also been confirmed that the new class is not ranged physical. Corsair would need to be some sort of sword/thief job, and that itself seems unlikely at this point.