French publisher Pix’n Love is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the legendary King of Fighters series by releasing four classic entries in limited edition form across PS4 and Switch. The games being released include:

  • King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition
  • King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
  • King of Fighters XIII Global Match
  • King of Fighters XIV Ultimate Edition

Each game is limited to 330 copies, with a special Neo Geo “Shock Box” package. Preorders are set to go live on December 19th at 4 p.m. UK time.

To celebrate KOF’s 30th anniversary 👊, Pix’n Love and SNK are offering you a selection of 4 iconic games on PS4 / Nintendo Switch. Each game is numbered to 330 copies. 🔥

➡️ Preorder on December 19 at 4 p.m. (UK time)

Which is your favourite King of Fighters game?

  • HiddenTower
    3 months ago

    I remember playing a lot of KoF when I got into Mame emulator, never had their cabinets at my arcade. KoF 2000 was a good one.

    Glad to see these releases but the very limited amount is a bummer. It should not be such a lottery to own nice physical releases of our games!