I’m trying a thing where I email CEOs of price gouging companies who hurt people and ask them honestly what exactly is wrong with them that they’re ok with this. No yelling, no insults, no rudeness, no threats, just a frank and honest question, and I want to email Galen but can’t find it, as well as Per Bank, seems to be a highly guarded secret. I realize they have assistants who are emailing gatekeepers, but it’s an interesting experiment nonetheless while I’m home sick in bed, and maybe it’ll make some of them feel guilty. Can anyone find it?
Having worked in a corporate environment for many decades, I’m confident that any email that is directed towards him will go through an executive assistant who will scren the incoming messages and only pass on the ones that he has told them to allow through.
Sure, but it’s not like it’s costing me anything, and who knows what might happen. Someone like Justin Trudeau sure has to do something with emails from constituents. If it comes to nothing so be it.
Justin Trudeau does not read every email sent to the public PM’s office address
Somebody does. It’s ok if it’s not him. Even if I’m only having fun for myself it’s all ok.
Even if I’m only having fun for myself it’s all ok.
As long as you’re aware of that.
If you ever get an answer at all, it’ll be about how they care and how they’re trying to give a good customer service while continuing to increase value for shareholders.
I know. But I’m really good at one thing, and that’s verbally hitting someone where they live, spiritually speaking.
Galen Weston is no longer the CEO of Loblaws, so I very much doubt he still has an email there. Even if you could find it, it would just be filtered by the assistant that manages his inbox
Could we find Per bank’s email?
stay safe out there, regardless.
Oh it’s from an encrypted email with a different name, and I’m honestly just asking a question. Can’t find the CEO of Rogers email either.
Have you tried just emailing addresses made up of random combinations of his name and his main company URL? It’ll be [email protected] or even [email protected]
Hmm good idea thanks!
You’ll know its probably right when you don’t get a mail demon response