Distro-agnostic packages are becoming a practical requirement on many desktop distros, and they introduce bloat and security issues. They also detract from conventional methods of installing software pulling away support for them.

More options! Despite it being a critique of Linux, they keep introducing more confusing options for the end user. Rather than fix like a display manager, they’ll just offer a different one as a solution (which doesn’t work for other people)!

Update to Pipewire! -Ok, it broke ac3 pass-through, even after uninstalling it! I could deal with the usual issues of streaming video by downloading with yt-dlp or playing in MPV. Breaking ac3 passthrough was a much bigger deal for some of us.

“x11 is an insecure mess- Wayland is ready”. -Echoed 2 years ago and people still rightfully call Wayland alpha software despite it being over 16 years old! This also goes along with ‘it’s never been a better time to switch’. Ok, if you’re going to criticize Windows for not having decent tiling window managers (which it does have now), then take your shitty ones that work with Wayland and acknowledge it’s a big step back. -Windows is now better for dynamic TWMs (opinion and something that may change or has)!

The kernel doesn’t comply to Unix philosophy and is becoming huge and bloated. Every time a Linux user gloats about how Linux ‘performs better’, they’re ignoring its lacking feature parity and hardware compatibility. Each version of the kernel loses about 10% of performance (compensated by hardware improvements). Linus Torvalds himself declared that the kernel has become ‘huge and bloated’. -(over 10 years ago)! (Take that you ‘Windows is bloat’ creatons!) -As if most DEs aren’t bloated or the most liked is a buggy mess (literally an update for Plasma had ‘a bazillion bug fixes’ as a release note with follow up notes resembling it). KDE confesses what evangelists won’t.

‘All my games just work’ - Except that your precious Proton confesses what didn’t every time they post a new compatibility list. There are also a multitude of games that stop working or simply don’t work right. -In my case a game was unbeatable on Linux and wasted hours of effort. (It’s only free if your time is worthless). And some games like Forza Horizon 5 needed a very specific older version of the game to run.

Wasn’t it 3 times this year that a severe vulnerability has been discovered that has existed for over a decade? (“Loonix is secure”?) It’s expected and valid that more code means more chance for vulnerabilities. Knowing where Linux is now on the code base, I can only imagine what the future holds in store on this front.

“Linux just keeps getting better” - Maybe in ways, but consider that technology is evolving, and Linux is slow to catch up. -Have they fixed the fractional scaling issue yet, how about HDR, DRM? (a one step forward, two steps back thing).