Furious crossover of blackened thrash, crust and… SKA!
And it works! Completely unique, never heard this mix of styles before or after. Sadly, the band is no more, as far as I could gather…
Bonus: the album is free to download on Bandcamp!


Why I will stop using and posting Spotify links: Article 1 and Article 2

  • Myr
    33 months ago

    What an interesting mix, definitely something I’d never consider real, but here it is lol. I don’t really think this is thrash metal or… I guess it’s slightly adjacent with the crust punk thrown in there?? But I feel a grateful that I got to experience this form of extreme music, for sure!

    • @serpineslairM
      33 months ago

      Yes I agree. It’s something cool I’m glad I got to experience. I would say for me it is most clearly linked to grindcore than anything else.

      • @flabbergastOP
        33 months ago

        For me, it’s the attitude that makes it thrash, I guess.
        There’s grind and hardcore and crust and black, but I’m never exactly sure where one ends and the other starts… I don’t really care either, it just gels or it doesn’t…
        These guys just kicked it out of the park for me, I love weirdos :D