i got the thumbnail and title replacement extensions, which is nice, but at the same time i am not voting with my clicks, since idk who is using the clickbait tactics, so i guess i am part of the problem
The what extension? Where does it get a better thumbnail and title from?
It’s called DeArrow, made by the same developer who made SponsorBlock. If I’m not mistaken, the titles are user submitted, and the thumbnails are just a random frame from the video (like how it used to be in the old days of YouTube). But I don’t use this extension, I just know it exists, so I don’t know exactly how it works.
You send every video you watch to some dude running a crowd sourced database of user submitted titles and thumbnails (same as sponsor block)
Such a cool introspection!
Switch to https://dearrow.ajay.app/ Made the switch couple of months ago and never looked back.
I love how Tom Scott’s are basically the same.
Lol. One could name it “Tom Scottify” if DeArrow needs a different marketing strategy.
It’s changed forever!