With about 2.3 children per household worldwide, he has to visit roughly 300 million households.

Spreading those households evenly across 69 million square kilometres of habitable land area on Earth (taking oceans, deserts, Antarctica and mountains into account), Father Christmas has to travel 144 million kilometres on Christmas Eve. That’s nearly the same as the distance from Earth to the Sun.

  • masterofn001
    51 month ago

    Everyone assumes he travels distances at FTL speeds.

    The simpler solution is obviously inter dimensional time jumping.

    The red nose is what guides the wormhole.

  • @[email protected]
    21 month ago

    Your distance number is way too high because it assumes population is maximally spread out, when in fact people cluster in cities, and people who celebrate Christmas are clustered into certain countries.

  • @rhacer
    21 month ago

    There was a great documentary made about this very thing this year. It was called Red One.

    Check it out and have your mind blown!

  • @Valmond
    11 month ago

    Don’t forget he pays a visit in person in scandinavia.