Critics offer many arguments against raising octopuses for food, including possible releases of waste, antibiotics or pathogens from aquaculture facilities. But as a psychologist, I see intelligence as the most intriguing part of the equation. Just how smart are cephalopods, really? After all, it’s legal to farm chickens and cows. Is an octopus smarter than, say, a turkey?

  • @Gradually_Adjusting
    111 month ago

    Octopuses are as smart as they need to be to survive in their highly complex and ever changing environment. They might even be smarter than a human diver in the water, at least in a narrow sense of intelligence within that context they are evolved to be very intelligent. They perceive, predict, and learn very quickly though even out of the water.

    I’m unmoved however by the morality of eating intelligent creatures. We don’t yet have a firm theoretical understanding of how intelligence arises in life, and so it is painfully obvious that if we accept that a line can be drawn at some point along the intelligence spectrum, it is necessarily arbitrary.

    Being a largely omnivorous species, and suspecting as I do that intelligence exists in animals far more generally than we are comfortable with, then if we’re not talking ourselves into becoming vegan, we should at least confine the moral considerations to outcomes we actually do understand well and care about, such as greenhouse gases arising from food production.

    • @essell
      31 month ago

      Broadly agreeing, I do have a thought.

      Where we lack a clear understanding that allows us to draw a clear line, that doesn’t prevent us from identifying cases that are apart from that line.

      We might not know where the line is, but we know mushrooms aren’t close and that chimps aren’t either.

      We might not know how far from the line they’re on, we do know which side of the line they’re on.

      • @Gradually_Adjusting
        11 month ago

        Sure, pragmatically we can make these choices, but it’s still arbitrary.

        • @essell
          21 month ago

          I don’t think it is, it just acknowledges the error bars of uncertainty around the non-arbitrarily line we’re yet to fully define.

          • @Gradually_Adjusting
            1 month ago

            Any line would be arbitrary without an ethical underpinning on which it is based, the discussion is traditionally philosophical in nature rather than pragmatic - although ethicists are in short supply these days so we must make do.

  • @[email protected]
    31 month ago

    I’m a scuba diver, and also a spear fisher, snorkel only. I-m a very accomplished octopus fisher.

    After a night snorkel dive, where I had an amazing session of hide and seek with an octopus, where the octopus was actually playing with me, I resolved not only to not kill an octopus again, but I stopped eating octopus all together.

    I feel that eating animals that you hunt without explosives is morally fine, as you are in somewhat even terms, but octopuses are there with horses, dolphins, and dogs in my mind.