
The world population will reach 8.09 billion on New Year’s Day 2025, growing by 71 million people (0.9%) in 2024, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

This marks a slight slowdown from 2023’s 75 million increase. Globally, 4.2 births and 2.0 deaths are expected every second in January 2025.

  • @givesomefucks
    202 months ago

    It would be hard to sustain this level of growth even if there wasn’t a tiny amount of individuals hoarding resources.

      • @givesomefucks
        2 months ago

        I mean…

        According to this theory, poverty and inequality will increase as the price of assets and scarce commodities goes up due to fierce competition for these dwindling resources. This increased level of poverty eventually causes depopulation by decreasing birth rates. If asset prices keep increasing, social unrest would occur, which would likely cause a major war, revolution, or a famine. Societal collapse is an extreme but possible outcome from this process. The theory posits that such a catastrophe would force the population to “correct” back to a lower, more easily sustainable level (quite rapidly, due to the potential severity and unpredictable results of the mitigating factors involved, as compared to the relatively slow time scales and well-understood processes governing unchecked growth or growth affected by preventive checks).

        But it’s important to make the distinction between preventative and positive population control.

        One is stuff like birth control, the other would be the stuff that should be banned did add that “harm no living thing” thing a while ago, but I don’t think they’re banning people for encouraging the use of condoms…

    • @chonglibloodsport
      -42 months ago

      Everyone’s hoarding resources. Some are just better at it and luckier than others. Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe!

      Sustaining this level of growth forever wouldn’t work even if all resources were distributed fairly. Norman Borlaug bought us some time but that’s essentially a constant factor on linear production vs exponential growth. Exponential growth always wins.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      That’s is factually false, check your sources.

      There is no such things as infinite growth, the idiots in power drool so much for it in economics that they project it all their propaganda. Human population growth will not go on forever, as people will make less and less babies the more living condition better. And if they don’t, we will die enough to stabilize

      • @givesomefucks
        32 months ago

        It would be hard to sustain this level of growth

        If that’s false, then it’s easy.

        And on a long enough timeline, it would stop being easy.

        I don’t think you understand the comment you replied to.

        • @[email protected]
          -32 months ago

          Are your implying infinite growth of Human population? Are you implying we don’t have enough resources for the 9 to 10 billion people peak estimated by 2100? Because it’s not gonna grow larger than that, the data is skewed because countries that formerly had a lot of infant deaths used to compensate with higher birth rates, but with living conditions rising babies don’t die as often but it takes one or two generations before people catch on to that and stop making babies like crazy.

          I don’t think you understand that overpopulation theory is bogus pseudoscience

          • @givesomefucks
            02 months ago

            When I replied it was just the first line.

            Then you added another paragraph, talking about something no one else has talked about…

            But it seems like you heard someone talk about “infinite growth” in terms of profits and think that applies to everything?

            If you weren’t so argumentative, I probably could have helped you understand this.

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              I added it less than 5 minutes after I posted it, since I figured I wrote too little and wanted to make my point clearer.

              Maybe I wouldn’t have been so argumentative if you wouldn’t have been condescending in the first place.

              And yes, the idea of overpopulation comes from false premises about an exponential growth in human population which is very improbable to happen because birth rates in the global North are declining and so will those in the global South once children stop dropping like flies because of inhuman conditions forced on them by the powers that be.

              If I am so argumentative it is because overpop theory is rooted in racist arguments and is in my opinion a damaging idea to one’s view of the world and I am so tired of seeing everyone taking it for granted when really there’s nothing granted about it. It subtracts dialectical energy from actual issues and is ultimately just capitalist propaganda in my view

      • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
        22 months ago

        Fresh but familiar. Maybe like farm-to-table Soylent Green instead of the packaged Soylent Green.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    It’s known according statistics in which year we will start seeing the coming decrease?. It will be also exponential.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      2080 - 2090, with a peak of 9 to 10 billions. And apparently wouldn’t be exponential .

  • Flying Squid
    12 months ago

    Global warming to the rescue![?]

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      Eventually, climate change will cause a drop in population, but not before causing catastrophic environmental changes that lead to increased food scarcity.