From Nature’s Edge

We’re currently caring for a rare visitor-a flammulated owl!

These tiny owls are incredibly unique and are among North America’s smallest, weighing only around 50-65 grams (our little one is 62 grams). Flammulated owls are known for their dark eyes and flame-like feather patterns, which help them blend into the forests of the western U.S. and Mexico.

Typically, flammulated owls feed on insects like moths and beetles, making them excellent insect controllers in their natural habítats. They’re also nocturnal and highly migratory, but it’s rare to see one this far east, so we suspect it may have been thrown off course during migration. This little one came in dehydrated with possible head trauma, so we are providing fluids, pain management, and round-the-clock monitoring.

We’re excited to help this special owl recover and, hopefully, return it to the wild soon! Your support makes a huge difference in allowing us to care for unique wildlife patients like this one. Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for following her journey!

  • anon6789OP
    102 months ago

    Had some people asking exactly how small a flammulated owl actually is. Welp go grab a soda can out of your fridge. She is smaller than that. Males are even smaller. Here she is for comparison.

  • Optional
    72 months ago

    Aww sweet soda-can owl! Or “pocket owl” as the British say.


    • anon6789OP
      52 months ago

      I went to look for an update on her condition, but they said due to migration being over, they’ll be holding her to springtime. But they did add this photo so I just had to include it!