Disagree with your mark?
Leave Mark out of this
oh, hi Mark
Mark should have kept his mouth shut!
My Mark would never disagree with me.
The “right answers” are pretty shitty too. I would say all substances are excitations of the fermionic fields.
Yeah, and there’s no meaningful difference between terms “substance” and “matter” except that “matter” is probably the one that the test taker is expected to memorize without really understanding.
The particles are the powerhouse of the cell.
Cells are made from cum. Which is made of cells.
No. Only particles.
Particles of cum.
Everyone knows all life comes cum of Enki
Exactly! God cum!
All substances are made of quantum particles which science can neither fully prove nor fully disprove actually exist.
And those quantum particles are made of cum.
It’s entirely possible
Star cum?
Imagine all the potential humans you disgarded in a tissue