Rictal AF!
It’s soooo close to something good, but rictal is hard to make something out of.
Most rictal per pixel…
No pictures with more rictals…
Not even a weird pronunciation really makes them work and it’s so frustrating!
Wow you weren’t kidding! https://www.rhymezone.com/r/rhyme.cgi?Word=rictal&typeofrhyme=perfect&org1=syl&org2=l&org3=y
It just has a rhyme rate of 84, but for me all i hear is “rectal”.
It is a cool word, but I could imagine it not working well with some accents as it is so close to rectal. 😆
Team Rictal represent
That’s the face I make in the morning too.
But then, when you see a new owl post:
Must be an owl.
That was an interesting read. I liked getting some of the terminology, but also hearing that Neanderthal people may have been crepuscular!