I got a new prescription ~10mo ago, and my eye fatigue has slowly gotten almost debilitating over that timeframe. I feel almost instant relief when I remove my glasses, aside from the fact that I then can’t see.

I have an appt on Saturday, to hopefully figure out what’s going on

  • @[email protected]M
    32 months ago

    It doesn’t take much for glasses to give you problems. One of my (round) lenses once got loose and turned a few degrees, and that was enough to give me headache after headache. The correction was correct, just the cylinder of one lenses was a bit out of whack.

    Also, your vision might be changing, Or you might be at that age when presbyopia starts setting in and your eyes can still see fine up close, but they’re straining at the limit.

    My experience with vision changes has always been that it was fine for years - or decades - and then all of the sudden, over the course of a few months, I’d start getting problems. You might be at that point too.

  • @over_clox
    12 months ago

    I’m gonna toss you an answer, with a disclaimer though…

    Disclaimer: I am no expert, but if the glasses you have provided better vision than no glasses, then it seems the glasses should be better than nothing.

    I don’t think you’ll be any worse off, though ideally you do want a proper new set of glasses/lenses.

    • Dr. WeskerOP
      2 months ago

      Well I have no choice to wear them for the time being, otherwise I’m like Mr. Magoo behind the wheel. But something is definitely wrong.