Pharmaceutical delivery. Scheduled for 8 hours for approximately 10 deliveries a day but routinely work 4 hours and get paid for the 8 hours anyway. Usually start 5PM end 9ish, get home 10ish. Drive my own car, bump my own music, no supervisor hanging over my shoulder, meet cute nurses everyday, earn almost twice as much as my last job, get to pursue my crafts and other things during the day, sleep in. But when there is a work dry spell, it’s bad. Currently in the middle of one.
Part-time janitor. Great work to life ratio. Shit pay tho.
Has this been your experience?
So far, yeah. I mean, I work a lot, sometimes every day for a month or more. But it’s all up to me. If I want some down time, I just schedule myself a little less.
Am electrician fwiw.