• @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    Is the milk tanker getting stuck really related to a made up Aldi store on Google maps of did this town just have 2 things happen? The article makes it sound like they’re related which implies either:

    1. The milk tanker was driving to Aldi to unload which is insane to think Aldi corporate would trust Google more than their own logistics and saw fit to send milk without an inventory check.
    2. The milk tanker was driving to Aldi to fill up which is insane to think there’s a guy committing milk arbitrage 1 retail container at a time.
    • @Theoriginalthon
      12 months ago

      The farm was renamed to an Aldi, the milk tanker driver was probably going to the farm using Google maps for the “last mile” then when he didn’t find the farm, relied on memory missing a turn and driving around until he found it