Based Omos throwing out Flash Magic’s and muto elbows.
Omos at the NOAH Dojo isn’t something I had on a bingo card, but if Omos wants to get better and try new things good for him, the man is huge, an attraction and if he can be decent in the ring, I’m happy to see it.
He’s on excursion with NOAH, currently holds 1/2 the tag titles. Big guy better take advantage of everything he can!
Well shit, good for him, hope he gets better and can come back more than just a giant, he seems mostly grounded and cool based on some of his socials.
He’s a gigantic weeb iirc so hes living the dream right now too. Either Mutoh or Marafuji (or someone of a similar level in the company’s backstage workings) is reportedly a big fan of his and if there’s 1 thing that goes over great in Japan regardless of who it is and what company: It’s a gaijin tall enough to touch the ceiling!