The Idaho Legislature’s first initiative of the year blasts same-sex marriage, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to let states once again regulate the relationship.

Reps. Todd Achilles (D-Boise) and Brooke Green (D-Boise) said they supported the resolution’s introduction in the hopes that Republicans would support introducing their legislation in the future — a strategy that’s had mixed results over the past several years.

    • Snot Flickerman
      1723 hours ago

      Which is strangely right next door to the only state, to my knowledge, that passed gay marriage by citizen initiative rather than bills in the legislature. So it was literally citizens leading the charge.

  • Tiefling IRL
    -331 day ago

    Democrats have never actually cared about civil rights, but the last few months have shown how eager they are to throw us under the bus just for funsies

    • @[email protected]
      24 hours ago

      Democrats have made serious effort to codify a lot of marriage equality at state and federal level specifically to try to push back against this kind of stuff

      For instance, the federal resepct for marriage act

      RFMA officially repealed DOMA and requires the federal government to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages, codifying parts of Obergefell, the 2013 ruling in United States v. Windsor, and the 1967 ruling in Loving v. Virginia

      State level intatives have removed bans from many state laws and constitutions such as California

      Democrats in Virginia are trying to pass constitutional ammendments to remove it right now that they have a majority in both chambers. They removed bans from the state law already

      And so on

      Stop with the “both sides” here

      Edit: and to clarify if you were reading only the pull quote, the very next paragraph is about how they are voting against this resolution when it gets to the floor

      • Tiefling IRL
        24 hours ago

        State rights don’t matter when the Nazis are in charge of federal government. SCROTUS can declare a state law unconstitutional without explanation to override it. President Musk can shit all over it and declare it an “official presidential action”

        Biden signed a bill restricting transgender healthcare for military families. OP’s article literally describes Democrats supporting a bill to ban marriage equality. Eric Adams is selling out the entirety of NYC for a pardon. Neolib Democrats very frequently vote against trans rights. Any time there’s a house bill about it, I can expect around 50 or so Dems to vote with the Reps.

        Yes, literally any effort is better than the Nazis who refer to us as cockroaches, but the bar should be well above capitulating to them

        • @[email protected]
          19 hours ago

          So you are not gonna say that you were wrong, and instead you are just move the goalposts and change the topic ?


        • @[email protected]
          1724 hours ago

          That’s not what the article said. Read the next paragraph. They vote to let it go to the floor where they plan to vote against it there

          Voting to print the bill means we have the chance to debate it, challenge it, and vote against it on the record with our colleagues

          States laws will matter a hell of a lot. When roe was overturned things immediately fell to the states. That’s the most likely way the court would overturn gay marriage should they go for it

          In terms of trans rights that is unfortunately more true lately, yes, though historically any transphobic dems have lost their primaries. We can and should challenge there again

    • @[email protected]
      117 hours ago

      I know 0% about these politicians but from the way the article describes it, the Democrats support it coming up for a vote where I guess they hope it’ll be defeated and they can then vote against it. Seems unnecessarily risky, but maybe they’re hoping for their own John McCain thumbs down moment??