I’ve just started collecting books a few months ago so it’s a pretty small collection but I’m working on it does any one have suggestions for other books?

  • @jordanlund
    22 months ago

    The Clockwork Century novels by Cherie Priest are excellent.

    It starts with Boneshaker, set in the Civil War era, the government places a bounty for whoever can develop a method of extracting gold from Alaska most efficiently.

    A scientist in Seattle develops an underground tunneling machine, but unfortunately during testing it runs riot beneath Seattle nearly destroying the city and opening pockets of a corrosive, yellow, volcanic gas that kills most people immediately and any survivors are reduced to a zombie-like state.

    Over time, people risk the gas to pillage the city for scrap. It’s discovered that the gas can be distilled into an illicit drug that, while incredibly valuable and popular, also turns it’s victims to zombies just in slow motion.

    That’s just the BACKSTORY.

    1. Boneshaker
    2. Dreadnaught
    3. Clementine
    4. Ganymede
    5. Tanglefoot
    6. The Inexplicables
    7. Fiddlehead
    8. Jacaranda

    I should say too… on your want list, the Yiddish Policeman’s Union is excellent.