I saw a movie about something like this and it all worked out great and everyone was happy and fulfilled.
deleted by creator
Capitalism, uh, finds a way.
This 'n?
It has the most beautiful message, too: Life finds a way.
There’s no stopping this disaster at this point. It was nice being the dominant species.
We now have definitive proof that human intelligence isn’t the net evolutionary positive we thought it was.
We were alright until we got domesticated by wheat.
“Oh look I make nice fibers for baskets, plant lots of me.”
“Hey did you know that you can eat my seeds? Try it!”
“No, that’s not spoiled porridge, it’s delicious beer!”
“Alright, bitch, how you gonna feed everybody without me? Where you gonna get your beer from? Now get anxiety and sit in traffic.”
The longer con is that Earth needed plastic but couldn’t make it itself. Wheat is just a link in that long chain to get us to this point.
Seems likely that we’ll be better at making things go extinct than un-extinct for a while, yet.
I’d argue man has an obligation to restore species we had a hand in extinguishing.
Dodo, thylacine, passenger pigeon.
Start with them.
The company is targeting the Dodo and Thylacine (though this article didn’t mention that one)
Yea, let’s bring it to the ethics committee
Yes! Let’s bring back the dodo, everyone wants to know what they taste like deep fried
may see approximations of creatures
We cannot resurrect extinct species. These would be hybrid species.
No best case scenario it’s still a Frankensteins monster.
So dont be a dick to our creations lest they murder our loved ones? Got it.