Although this is mainly regarding a PDF, this applies to AutoCAD and Civil 3D. I’ve been working on a detail library in PDF format for various utility details for engineers to ‘browse’ through and pick out certain details to include in a set. The PDF document I made from multiple PDF sheets is about 1,000 pages. Now every time I add/modify the document there is a “consolidating duplicate fonts” progress bar on the bottom right. This can take up some time and it is quite an ordeal for 1,000 pages. This is due to a font not embedding into the document, I found this by running Preflight to analyze the issues with the document. The font that could not be embedded in the document is simplex.shx. Now Acrobat embeds this font by finding the font in c:\windows\fonts folder and hard coding the font in the PDF document. There is a True type simplex font in the system. I don’t know why it cannot embedded it. However, simply changing the font style in the cad drawings with another font. In this case i switched simplex.shx to romans.shx printed out the PDF document and did not have a problem with fonts unable to be ‘embeded’. This removed the “consolidating duplicate fonts” issue with my document. I hope this helps to clear up and speed up PDF document making. Some .shx CAD fonts may not work too well when you print them to PDF.