As everyone here probably knows, there was a ceasefire between hamas and israel (although the bombing continues, not a very good sign to begin with), and even though people in Gaza are celebrating, i am kind of exceptical about this, i mean, its the same israel that started the genocide in the first place, with the same genocidal regime, and its also the same israel that did things like the nakba or the bombing of the USS Liberty. I dont trust them, i think they probably are going to do the same shit all over again once the next crisis kicks in and palestinians are left alone again. Or at least thats what i think, i want to know the perspective of those mainly affected (well, those on the same community of the affected, after all, muslims are almost like a massive family)

  • slazer2au
    321 days ago

    They will continue to do it as long as they have the backing of the US, they will continue to have the backing of the US because of lobbying.