It’s boring to me since it’s very easy for me to see the faults of a religion that I have no association with.

I am wondering if there are a lot of exmuslim people here or if it’s people raised in a christian world that just have a specific gripe with islam.

I was raised in a part of the world mostly shaped by christianity and so I was hoping to see more examination of that.

  • @[email protected]
    451 year ago

    It’s ironic that you’re saying this when just a few days ago people were complaining about the lack of criticism towards Islam.

    It’s probably due to the fact that some people who criticized Islam on these posts are brigaded by downvotes in their comment history. Basically a fuck you to these zealots who think we give a fuck about their religion.

    • @madcaesar
      61 year ago

      I think of it like this white collar crime (Christians) VS blue collar crime (Islam). Both can devastate communities, but blue collar feels more immediate and worse.

    • merde alors
      -11 year ago

      i won’t defend the religion but you are mistaking a majority of muslims with a minority of maniacal hotheads. Most muslims don’t give a damn about your life or death and a great majority of them don’t want to live under sharia either.

      we should learn to hate the religion without hating people and not confuse the two.

      • @betterdeadthanreddit
        1 year ago

        Believers of any religion come in exactly two varieties: extremists and those who provide aid and cover for extremists. The nice old lady down the street doing a bake sale and donating the proceeds to her church is still supporting an institution that hides child molesters, robs the community of their time, money and critical thinking skills and advocates for harmful public policy that strips people of their rights. That last piece is supposed to be prohibited by 501(c)(3) rules in the US but I’m not holding my breath waiting to see those enforced.

        • @Tomad
          41 year ago

          The only wing of the government that enforces the separation of church and state is the IRS. If you can send them proof of political action or anything that violates 501©(3), the IRS will want that tax money SOOOO FAST.

          • @betterdeadthanreddit
            11 year ago

            The FFRF has been trying. I checked a few of the ones in the list and still see them listed as 501(c)(3) organizations so either there’s stuff happening behind the scenes or their letter went straight to the circular file.

            A little off topic but if you want to get (c) rather than ©, you can use a backslash before either or both the open or close parenthesis and it’ll be skipped by the markdown parser. It should look like this in the editor: \(c), (c\) or \(c\).

            • @Tomad
              21 year ago

              I was more meaning on an individual church basis. If you can get pictures of your local church saying “vote Trump”, then that specific church can lose their status. No church can survive it.

              • @betterdeadthanreddit
                -21 year ago

                Can you find any examples of a church losing their 501(c)(3) designation or other tax exemptions due to violations of the Johnson amendment aside from the one back in 1992 (“Church at Pierce Creek”, see also Branch Ministries v. Rossotti)? Revocation was in 1995 for their actions in 1992 and the decision was upheld in 2000 after the church made its appeals. I could be missing something but that’s the only case I could dig up where the IRS has followed through.

                From what I can tell, the IRS has very little interest in pursuing this sort of thing once the word “church” hits the paperwork. Would love to be proven wrong though.

        • merde alors
          -51 year ago

          go talk to her. Ask her why she is doing what she does. Communicate with that nice old lady instead of writing in an atheist bubble of an online community.

        • merde alors
          01 year ago

          you should go talk to some muslims. I seriously advise you to. If you can, travel. Heal yourself.

          what you write indeed sounds like a conspiracy theory.

          • @Tomad
            31 year ago

            Do you know what Taqqiya is? I’m not surprised the people trying to spread their religion or blend in with a new population are willing to lie to you, they’re instructed to.

            • merde alors
              -11 year ago

              who is instructing them? Still conspiracy 🤦

              people are just trying to get by

          • fknM
            31 year ago

            Oh fuck off.

  • @InternetPresence
    121 year ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some of it is coming off the news of the suicide bombing that was carried out by IS in Pakistan. But another part of it could be that one post got popular and so you will see posts following the trends.

    On an atheism community you can’t expect people to only post about one religion. Maybe something you can do to tie it to your experiences is try and connect the commonalities that tend to infect all major religions. I think its interesting finding those foundational aspects of many mainstream religions and seeing how they use similar tactics and controlling techniques amongst their congregants.

  • Pons_Aelius
    91 year ago

    A person who is raised in one version of a restrictive Abrahamic religion is upset their online space to vent about it is also visited by people who are raised in another version of a restrictive Abrahamic religion who want to vet about their experience as well.

    Rather than see them as cousins with the same issue, they see them as the other, not realising they are repeating the indoctrination of the religion they claim to have left behind.

    • @[email protected]OP
      -11 year ago

      So you’re saying that there’s people here that were raised in muslim dominated societies and are posting the anti muslim posts? I wouldn’t have any issue with that. But so far in this thread nobody said this was their experience.

      So I still believe that it’s people who were raised like me posting the anti muslim memes.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        21 year ago

        Ffs you do not need to have personally suffered to point out problems. I wasn’t raised in an Islamic tradition either that doesn’t mean I can’t yell about it.

      • @betterdeadthanreddit
        01 year ago

        Do you need to have been raised in Clearwater, FL in order to criticize Scientologists or Salt Lake City, UT to criticize Mormons?

          • @betterdeadthanreddit
            31 year ago

            I agree with you that the ex-[insert religion here] content tends to be better informed on that specific group and brings a valuable perspective due to their experiences. Bryce Blankenagel is one example for Mormonism that comes to mind for me, I enjoy hearing what he has to say on their history and practices. At the same time, I don’t think it’s necessary to have been part of those groups or to know every facet of their belief system to post about them, particularly in a meme community such as this. It certainly helps when you know the subject material but growing up in a different community and environment does not disqualify you from being able to criticize it.

            As it relates to this chain of replies, someone raised around mostly Christian influences who gets on here to poke fun at Islam or Judaism is less likely to be speaking from complete ignorance since they share common origins. You have to go further back to find it than when Catholics and Protestants are trading barbs but, as Pons_Aelius points out, they’re Abrahamic religions and have no shortage of common features worthy of ridicule.

  • Here’s my hypothesis. People have little contact to Muslims and the way Islam is being usually practiced. Thus people’s opinion of Islam is heavily influenced by the worst shit and stereotypes. With Christianity most people have friends or relatives that are “moderate” christians or whatever. So the worst versions of Christianity are less present.

  • @Historical_General
    41 year ago

    The Lanky guy should do more posts on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity.

  • @betterdeadthanreddit
    21 year ago

    It’s a different flavor of the same shit. The sooner we can wipe and flush, the better off we’ll all be.

  • rakyat
    11 year ago

    I live in a Muslim-majority country where Islam is sometimes referred to as “hotel California” - you can convert into it but never out of it.

    More posts about Islam, please.

      • rakyat
        21 year ago

        No worries! I’m thankfully not born a Muslim. But I know countless closeted atheists here who are angry because they are forced to be Muslims in public. It’s a good thing that the Fediverse gives them the rare space to express themselves!

  • @LazyBane
    11 year ago

    Islam just gets treated with kiddie gloves alot of the time, so when there’s a platform that enables proper criticism of Islam people take the opportunity to vent.

  • @bi_tux
    -51 year ago

    At least for me this is a nice thing.

    For context: I live and work in Vienna, I know a lot of muslims and a lot of them are just homo- and transphobic bastards.