One of my cats sometimes likes to walk up behind the laptop, push into the lid until it closes, then sit on it.
They want to help you save battery!
Hahaha I totally identify with this. My cat 100% knows my recurring meeting schedule like the back of his paw. Right on the dot he trots out and demands my undivided attention.
Every time I tried to use my laptop on the sofa, one of my kitties would lie down on my wrists.
The inside of my desktop computer is all black hair for this reason. Ncase didn’t consider all the air vent holes are perfect for cat warming
Our old kitty would do this to my MIL when she was over babysitting and WFH. It got to the point that she’d setup a second laptop next to her work laptop so he’d go to that one but it didn’t work for long. They know what they’re doing.
well why do you think they want you to work from home?
Feline SOP is not shameful just annoyingly funny