Safety warning: Skilhunt H150 short circuit
If you have a Skilhunt H150, do not use flat-top cells, and consider returning it
#flashlight #headlamp #skilhunt #h150 #EDC #EveryDayCarry @[email protected] @[email protected]
Owcch. I can’t imagine a company with significant assets in US jurisdiction being willing to ship a light like that, because of liability concerns. The magnetic charge contacts sparking are another such issue.
Does anyone know if the Emisar D2 can accept button top 14500’s? It would be hilarious if it could only accept flat tops like the D4v2. Then if you have a D2 and H150, you’d need separate battery collections for each.
I’m gonna (mostly) stay with Eneloops for my AA/AAA sized lights even if they accept li ion :(.
Right?! Did they even bother to test their own product? There’s no excuse for something like this.
And the D2 is flat top only
It is also possible to have the D2 modified for button-tops!
Hank Wang: You can always request us to modify the driver a bit (remove the spring), so that D2 can work with the unprotected, button top 14500 battery only
Thanks. Someday technology may advance enough to make flashlights that can use both flat and button tops. Good to know that for now we at least have a choice. :)