In a statement the Prosecutor’s Office said that “This morning (Thursday), a search was conducted at the suspect’s home. Among other things, weapons and computer equipment were seized there”. The boy was has been sent to a secure youth detention centre. Which mosque he had targeted is not clear.

  • misterdoctor
    216 days ago

    14 fucking years old. My daughter is 14 years old and the most violent thing she’s ever planned is where to drop in Fortnite. The radicalization of our children - especially young boys - is unbelievably scary and not enough people are talking about it.

    • zout
      26 days ago

      I agree, nut as a father of a 14 (and 17) year old son, I can’t imagine my sons (or their friends) doing something like this. So in my world view, maybe, not a lot of boys are really radicalized?

      • @MutilationWave
        46 days ago

        It doesn’t have to go as far as planning a terrorist attack. Most young boys who are radicalized will not do that. They probably appear normal or perhaps troubled.