Context: —
Guy on the left: typical ancap/neolib/oligarchy etc
Guy on the right: believes all basic necessities should be provided, either directly or by sufficient UBI
Yes we all love memes that require added context.
Probably better wording is a minimum wage shouldn’t be needed
what about maximum wage?
The guy on the right is also an ancap. UBI has a lot of support from them.
Oooooohhhhh! You had me going in the first half, not going to lie.
should have left the context out. ruins the enlightenment of discovery as you consider - also, to enjoy the comments battle over it.
but punchy nonetheless.
Marxism developed in 19th century. Maybe we have to rethink a bit what we want to stand for. None of these models still apply to our current time. There is no workers class anymore like it used to exist in the 19th century. Everybody is either job-hopping or doing gigs. Demand for workers is going to drop due to an end of world-wide growth. Either abandon the free market and give people more than they deserve (in a “free labor market” sense), or drop your birth rates (to lower supply of work and therefore increase wages).
Can’t resources be redistributed or brought under democratic control, especially from the extreme hoarders who hoard stuff too much?