Today’s game is Uncharted 1. I played through some more of this after finishing LittleBigPlanet 2 yesterday. I actually found myself booting LBP 2 up out of habit.

I made it through another good few chapters of the story and stopped at around chapter 12 due to the time. While playing through this I noticed a lot of it felt similar to the 4th one. From the setting of an abandoned city on an island, to the involvement of pirates. I don’t know if it was intentional but it was really cool to notice. Almost kind of like things came full circle.

a good chunk of the chapters revolved around this bay. As pretty as it is, I can’t say I’m sad to see it go. The fights in this one were brutal and I felt like enemies were shooting me through surfaces. I think I definitely took 4’s Stealth and Melee combat mechanics for granted because this one can be ruthless sometimes (but very satisfying to pull of a good run of combat).

While going up stream and dodging some explosive barrels that some lunatic keeps tossing in the river, I came across this beautiful waterfall. I don’t know what it is but something about waterfalls has always been interesting to me. They’ve always been kind of mesmerizing in a way.

There was also a second one that I drove past, but wasn’t able to get a good picture of due to the stream actively pushing me away. You’ll have to take my word for it that it was pretty.

I feel like overall I’m progressing through this one way faster, it may just be me though. Something I noticed while playing is that all the characters have kind of oily looking skin, and that got me wondering what it might have looked like on a CRT. I know they have a sort of natural AA effect, so I’m wondering if it might look better for me if I break one out. Though, I suppose in the end all the screenshots will come out looking the same lol.

  • @Protoknuckles
    41 month ago

    I wish the original games were on Steam. I’d love to play them on the Steam Deck.

    • @oaklandnative
      21 month ago

      I’m playing through 4 now and I’m amazed at how good it looks. Very well optomized imho. It’s also a lot of fun.

      I’ve never played the others but I would be tempted with a Steam release.

  • @ampersandrew
    21 month ago

    The oily skin look is just because there was a change in lighting techniques around this time. It wasn’t built for a CRT. At the time I remember thinking that they were perhaps trying to mask their lack of visual fidelity with an art style that was getting closer to Pixar.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      11 month ago

      That’s interesting. I’m a hobbyist video game developer so learning old techniques is interesting for me. I’ll have to look more into this later because I’d love to understand how it works

  • Coelacanth
    21 month ago

    …that got me wondering what it might have looked like on a CRT. I know they have a sort of natural AA effect, so I’m wondering if it might look better for me if I break one out.

    Do you have a good one just lying around? I’ve been on a retro game kick lately and sort of wish I had a good CRT but they’re so goddamn big and bulky so it’s not like I kept one around from back in the day. But you’re absolutely right about old games being made with them in mind and it’s especially noticeable for stuff like pixel art games.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      11 month ago

      I wouldn’t be surprised if I had one in the garage, if not I live in an area where people seem to be giving away CRTs regularly for some reason. I’m sure I could nab one. I think the main thing stopping me is I’d have to haul it up some stairs lol

  • mox
    21 month ago

    Ever since playing and liking Tomb Raider (2013), I have noticed it being compared to Uncharted, which made me curious about the latter. However, the clips I’ve seen made Uncharted’s characters seem focused on being macho men, rather than being humans exploring dangerous environments. Is it like that throughout, or did I just randomly find video clips that happened to highlight a single minor aspect of the games?

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      11 month ago

      I’m in sort of the opposite boat. I’ve never played tomb raider lol (but it’s on my list someday once I remember to pick it up on Steam). I will admit I’m biased (I grew up playing these games so that bias may make me blind), but wouldn’t say it really focuses on being Macho Men unless you’re referring to the scenes that are trying to be cool (like the famous train one).

      There’s a lot of Gunplay involved and the later games (or at least the 4th one. It’s been ages since I played 2 & 3) have a lot of exploring like you want involved too.