My limited understanding is that he presided over two of our largest scale military embarrassments, so I don’t know why he’s looked upon so fondly by history.
NCD, at least, likes him because he wanted to use NUKES, and that always gets NCD approval.
As for the rest of society? Fucked if I know. “Sunglasses and corncob pipe cool” I guess. I’m inclined to agree with President Truman, that MacArthur was a dumb sonofabitch and that he didn’t respect civilian authority.
who wanted the most to use funny mushroom? McArthur or LeMay?
MacArthur since he was going behind Truman’s back and working with other countries to bring about his aims.
A dumb sunuvabitch who didn’t respect civilian authority and you don’t know why a lot of the rest of society seems to love him?
I have nothing but distain for the mother fucker. But I think people like him for the same reasons they like Trump. He had panache.
He’s not. He’s beloved by people who know about WW2 through movies and YT “history” videos. Historians view him as a volatile commander who found success in theater when following plans and orders from others. He was reasonably well liked by the rank and file, but generally disliked by officers and brass.
My grandfather becomes irate at the mention of him.
Hard to like anyone with his own pr team. Or with such an overbearing mother. Or you know those other things…
Didn’t patton want to send tanks to Moscow post ww2?