Believe in Scotland’s ‘Creating Scotland’ campaign aims to align the independence cause with the culture, values, hopes and dreams of our nation;
A nation isn’t the lines on a map marking its domain, it isn’t its economy or its politics or the stereotypes others perceive within it. A nation is the shared culture and values that run deep with the population, deeper than politics or even polling can dig. It’s the stories we tell about ourselves and the songs we sing about our past mixed with the dreams the people have for their future. Activating that cultural core strength and resilience has been key to every successful independence movement the world over.
Consider the negativity of British nationalism, the exceptionalism and exclusiveness of Brexit Britain, an outdated concept of a nationality based on a construct called the UK not a real nation but a concept based on propaganda aimed at making British people superior. Now consider the inclusiveness, the internationalism, the positivity, shared values and the culture of the Scottish independence movement a civic-nationalism.