- cross-posted to:
- [email protected]
- cross-posted to:
- [email protected]
Mods, please let me know if this breaks rule 1, it’s technically my site but I get nothing from it. There’s no ads, JavaScript, or tracking analytics, just a straight up html page. My hope is to simply have a place that shares facts.
It’s by no means complete. I’d happily welcome anyone who has references to help me complete this page. I just found out the site I was using for his executive orders gets them after about 10 days, and the Whitehouse website has all the up to date one (almost 80 when I checked last night). I’ll try to parse through them and update the list as I have time.
If you have any suggested edits or additional items I should add, I’m happy to do so given a reference.
I hope to keep it up to date as much as I can, but their whole plan right now is to flood the area with nonstop shit so that we can’t really dial in on any one thing.
Edit: I’ve created a repo to outsource the work a little bit. Please feel free to interact and help out:
For some reason this is throwing a 404 when you go to it. Hopefully this goes away soon, likely because I only just created the account.
Problem has been resolved
I’ve been waiting for journalists to link the executive orders to specific Project 2025 items, so this is great.
If I have one suggestion, it’s actually to either tone down or move the editorializing (the site’s opening text box content).
It seems strange to say this - I frequently call out the slow-motion trainwreck that is our descent into fascism - but the large type “FASCISM” references on the tracker page may be counterproductive to this being a widely-used resource. To some, they will close the page thinking it’s another conspiracy theorist manifesto or something. The people who need to see and trust this probably first need to trust that these are facts with or without an agenda.
You could also move it to a “why did I start this project” page to not distract from the tracker.
The implementation of Project 2025 is terrifying enough, or at least should be. But journalism is failing to track it. This is great work.
Hey thanks for the input, I’ll work on that. Will probably have an update before EOD.
Actually just moved the fascism thing to the bottom. Wasn’t sure specifically what you were referring to with the “why” section, so didn’t move anything else.
Ignore my second paragraph. After rereading your message like 6 times I finally got it. Having a slow brain Friday.
Nah, all good - it’s your page, do it how you want, just trying to help by giving a perspective. Thanks for doing it.
Yeah no I totally get it. I had some of the same thoughts when I was putting it up. I was torn, because honestly the people that most need to see this information will be the ones least likely to see it or take it seriously anyway.
I fucking love this! I want to make one suggestion tho. Make it more visually appealing. In “marketing” a quick way to digest information is paramount in today’s world. All the information still needs to be there but I think a graph bar showing project 2025’s progress will create a sense of urgency or a counter that shows each individual demographics concerns within project 2025’s agenda. Example: a graphic that states policies that target women’s rights 10 out of 25 signed into law. Another one that says laws that destroy our environment 7 out of 89 signed into law. Attack on worker rights 24 out of 50 signed. Ect…
Edit: I know several individuals that work in marketing and graphic design. They all are working in their own ways to combat Trump’s agenda. I can reach out to them to see if you need help.
If they would like to contribute to this, I’ll be happy to take it. Part of me thought exactly along the lines you are describing, but another part of me thought that if I made it too visually interesting, the content might get lost, or people would disqualify it as some sort of professional project.
I’ve considered making a git repo for people to post their suggestions and making prs and stuff so it’s easier to contribute. I just have to make a new GitHub account that’s anonymous.
Maybe give individuals an option to pick how they see the information? Indepth, visual, or hybrid.
Also this is way too much work for one person so you’re git hub idea is great!
GitHub repo is available: https://github.com/2025realitycheck/project-2025-reality-check
Automation is great. I’ll take a look at the source if your publish it
Here’s the repo: https://github.com/2025realitycheck/project-2025-reality-check
Did you already pull it? Not seeing it
Account issues due to using alias email, should be resolved soonish
If you’d like, can you list what you want help with? In the readme.md or a CONTRIBUTING.md
Also I am good with actions, I can help automate anything you think would help
I put up a basic readme, I’ll add some more details to it as soon as I can. I don’t know if I’ll need any actions just yet, it’s a single file deploy so I’ll just handle it when it’s updated.
I’m not sure if it matters but I can uncheck the check boxes… maybe it’s undoing things in an alternate universe.
I hope it helps someone
Great resource, hopefully mods let it stick around
I love it.
Because the rules are articles only, links only, if this gets taken down you might also try [email protected], or technology, for a couple of other venue options.
Thank you so much
Various actions by musk and Trump through the office of personnel management check off the civil service slot.
Can you please provide some reputable links? I’ll happily read them over and insert them.
Direct link to project 2025 in crafting memos and notices to federal employees
Attempting to reschedule federal workers to make them easier to fire and replace with political appointments.
Thank you, I’ll read these over and place them where I think makes the most sense.
Thanks for this, just read and put up both links. The mashable link I added at the bottom.
If you come across anything else, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
They’re doing a lot of stuff, and it’s hard to keep up
Office of Personnel Management just sent an email to nearly every federal employee encouraging (bribing) them to resign, and threatening firings to come.
Full text of the email directly from the source:
Fantastic, I’ll update it as soon as I can.
Link is a 404
Project 404 amirite
Lol Problem has been resolved
Yeah, GitHub flagged my account because I used an alias email. It’s being remedied
Problem has been resolved
Is this repo private?
No sorry, GitHub flagged my new account because I used an email alias. The ticket is still processing after I changed to legit email address.
Problem has been resolved
Needs a chart of some kind, maybe a percentage graphic? Nuclear clock? Colored grid that is categorized?
List all the items in 2025, a blue dot for not yet, yellow dot for in progress and red dot for accomplished? Then for each dot, available links for more info.
Might be cool to be like the “periodic table of 2025”
A ToC and maybe a way to collapse the main categories would be nice too.
Noted, will look into it.
We have a thing called TrudeauWatch that shows how our PM was doing against his promises.
Only Trudeau so far as it was brought out in the early days of his contract when “pretty boy hate” was high by the low-brow cons. So there’s nothing to compare him against; and I hope we never have to do this kind of a mess for our pseudo-aristocracy as it means they managed to slither back into power.
This is excellent and helpful. Thanks