I’ve been trying to get something Lebowski related out of the “Image Playground” app on my phone, but any missing toes are actually just AI being AI.
I’m just gonna go find a LLM.
Stilted laughter That’s marvelous!
Far out.
And a good day to you
It’s very picky about what it will allow as prompts. It won’t let me use “iron lung” and it thinks “sarsaparilla” is a foreign language. Anything remotely R-rated like “severed toe” is usually blocked. Anything involving an animal gives you a Pixar-like furry friend, so I couldn’t get much out of “ferret in bathtub” that resembled anything from TBL.
I tried making the drink in the OP photo a White Russian, but it kept giving me a white bowling ball instead. It will sorta generate the drink on its own though.
It did not understand what I meant about a coffee can on the cliffside. It kept giving me canned coffee drinks instead of ground coffee. When you can get canned ground coffee out of it, it insists on putting loose grounds around the outside of the can.
I may keep trying, but it does burn battery life pretty quickly.