Research indicates that individuals with ASD are more likely to experience gender dysphoria, and vice versa.

  • @[email protected]
    811 month ago

    I’ve read about this. Yes, it’s truly notable how correlated both are.

    One explanation I read that makes sense is that autistic people are generally less concerned about social definitions. Since we already are “weird” to the allistic society, we tend to consider things like gender in a different way:

    “If society doesn’t have a way to explain how my mind works, how can it define my gender correctly? Maybe, its gender definition doesn’t apply to me”

    So you start thinking that, indeed, maybe the society that can’t define your mind if not as “wrong”, can’t define your gender either. And turns out that you feel comfortable in something that, similar to how they explain your brain, is “weird” for them too.

    • @[email protected]
      261 month ago

      This is a good way to describe the way moral reasoning works for a lot nd people succinctly. Now I will describe it much less succinctly lmao

      There are possibly neurological bases for this as well

      Mirror neuron system, for example, is thought to be a key factor in development of empathy and moral understanding. This is this system of neurons that give a shared neural activation in response to stimuli, eg we see someone in pain and it activates regions that activate when we experience pain directly

      However, people with autism tend to have less active mirror neurons or differently organized system of mirror neurons (still somewhat poorly understood). This is one of the theorized mechanisms behind challenges with socialization and empathization in autism.

      However people with autism can obviously still socialize and become empathic, right? I have spoken to many people with autism who if anything feel they are too empathetic.

      One of the hypotheses here is that because of the above neurological difference there is a compensatory strategy. Essentially that instead of being able to naturally adapt neurologically people with autism create empathization, social and moral understanding, etc through higher level cognition. Analytical and cognitive based approaches. Trial and error, assessment and reflection, etc rather than instinctive and emotionally driven responses.

      Thus far more thought is given to concepts and ideas that the general public simply does not consider. What is gender? What is a social construct? What is the point of social pragmatic language? What is the point of “business appropriate attire”? what is the point?

      We recognize that many of these questions are simply tradition enforced by hierarchy balanced against us and can quickly fall apart with basic logic. We dissect these questions and potentially start to reach a state of postconventional moral development (read Kohlberg for more about this).

      The thing about this is that you start to recognize a morality that supersedes the need for social order and start to maintain a personal sense of ethics and morality that is not dictated by external factors but empathization. You’re more likely to support civil disobedience now and also more likely to violate social norms but that’s because many social norms don’t make sense. Not surprisingly many adults don’t move to post conventional morality; they stay at a conventional morality in support of maintaining social order. Their morality is mostly dictated from external factors like law and religion.

      Now to be clear this doesn’t mean that January 6 trump people have post conventional morality because they were practicing civil disobedience. Their violence was to arguably to protect social norms and to push to a society with extremely rigid social norms and they arguably have the moral development of a child (punishment and obedience stage, literally the first one, classic fascist shit). Where they stand in terms of moral development is an interesting debate but that’s a different post altogether

      There’s a lot more to this like medial prefrontal cortex differences, temporo-parietal junction, VTA, reward system activation, etc. the neuroscience here is super interesting and of course it’s important to stress that people with autism approach moral reasoning differently and not that they can’t do it because if you don’t stress that dumb people associate autism with sociopathy and think all autistic people are elon musk

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        This is a really good write up. It reflects my experience and understanding well.

        If I can offer my opinion on the J6 types, I think we have to be careful not to present them as antithetical to the autistic way of thinking, because a lot of autistic people end up in those spaces. For some, the world and its norms become so inscrutable that they seek other sources of order. Religion and strictly defined politics can become a comfort, as illusory as they are.

        So it may seem contradictory, but autistic people can swing hard away from social norms, but they can also swing hard into it. Because it’s a spectrum, defined by divergence, which can happen in any direction.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          I agree but to clarify:

          Autistic people do not inherently develop post conventional morality and the j6 types are not presented here as a counter to “autism” but as a counter to “post conventional morality”

          There are many autistic people who are stuck in the early more stages focused on discipline and punishment. Many neurotypical ppl as well. These people are extremely susceptible to fascism because it appeals to simplistic morals based on “things need to go my way and if they don’t you need to get severe punishment”.


          _These people would literally be in the first stage of the Heinz dilemma

          Kohlbergs stages have valid criticisms (like they ignore the entire concept of collectivist cultures, for one) but they’re still a decent framework

          • Flying Squid
            21 month ago

            I would also suggest, based on the autistic people in my own family, that autistic people generally have a much more solid and developed sense of self than neurotypical people. So where a neurotypical person might think, “maybe I’m a woman, not a man, but could that be true? Should I tell the world?” an autistic person will think, “I am a woman. If you tell me I’m not a woman, you’re lying.”

              • Flying Squid
                21 month ago

                I don’t mean a sense of identity in terms of culture, I mean in terms of core identity. Who you are at your very core self.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Yes, I literally feel the pain of others. Not as though it happened to me but enough to wince if I see most animals get hurt (aside from insects).

          I’m more sensitive than normal though. Hyper-awareness from abuse. It’s also isolating and lonely, even though I’m not on the spectrum.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          This makes sense. Experiential understanding

          But to clarify the logic doesn’t need to be super high level. “High level” in my post just meaning it’s a higher level process oriented to using logic at all, versus something more akin to a “going with your gut”, if that makes sense?

          I do hope you can find people who will empathize with you in ways that are not so transactional though. Maybe that’s not possible. Life is give and take I suppose. Maybe instead it’s about finding people who have the right balance of that? I dunno but at a minimum you deserve to have people care about your frustration, at least sometimes.

            • @angrystego
              230 days ago

              I do feel pain. When it comes to physical pain, it’s kind of more dull than my own pain. And it’s not just about pain, I feel other perceptions as well. Looking at someone being in a very cold environment in a movie makes me shiver. When it comes to emotions, I often feel other’s emotions as strongly as my own.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              Well that certainly boosts my ego, thanks

              Wrt pain response it varies. Some people do describe actually “feeling” the pain of others, read on “empathetic distress” for more on this. It’s less common but is interesting; in some people when they empathize with someone experiencing something like physical pain there is activation of areas of the brain that process physical pain (insula and anterior cingulate cortex) in addition to showing physiological response consistent with pain (tachycardia, perspiration, wincing, etc)

              It could be performative but the neurological activation can’t really be faked and the physiological responses can be challenging to fake. Additionally there is variability in response and behavioral indicators like attempting to render aid which are somewhat inconsistent with performative acts (though not definitively so)

    • billwashereOP
      31 month ago

      My shrink mentioned this to me and I had to go look it up. It’s very interesting indeed.

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      What repoir does the wiki have? It seems well written enough, but I don’t trust these kinds of things unless a person with something to lose backs them.

    • @BreadstickNinja
      1 month ago

      There was an interesting NatGeo article recently about something similar - the links between hypermobility, GI issues, long COVID and long COVID-like illnesses like MECFS, MCAS, etc. The links you provided are really fascinating and suggest maybe even a larger clustering of symptoms unified in a single genetic process.

    • @feedum_sneedson
      61 month ago

      That guy bothers me, I don’t think medical professionals should cultivate personality cults. Then again I don’t really think politicians should either, and that’s basically the definition of politics.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Who cares about that guy just using him to point out the cluster has been spotted independently.

    • billwashereOP
      11 month ago

      Ok this is super interesting. I’ll have to read more about this. Thanks.

  • femtech
    151 month ago

    From myself I see it as a sensory sensitivity. Like cheap sweatpants that have the fizzy stuff on the inside I can’t stand, but others are just like ehh, it’s not great. So while someone else is ehh about dysphoria, it was overwhelming to me.

    • Flying Squid
      261 month ago

      Gender is real, it’s just a human construct. But that doesn’t make it any less real than, say, Italian is real despite it being a human construct.

      • Final Remix
        81 month ago

        Italian’s a dressing, dude. I have some in my fridge.

        • Flying Squid
          131 month ago

          Salad dressing is also a human construct.

          • snooggums
            101 month ago

            In nature salad just prances around naked!

            • @[email protected]
              51 month ago

              I’ve never seen salad prance before. Is this a shroom thing, or am I just not looking in the right spot?

              • snooggums
                51 month ago

                Just need the right amount of wind!

        • snooggums
          31 month ago

          Itslian is a sausage and I enjoy it on pizza.

      • @MothmanDelorian
        21 month ago

        But like pre-nation of Italy Italian it can have fairly different interpretations based on regionality

        • Flying Squid
          41 month ago

          Absolutely, but that does not make it less real to the particular society a person might be in.

      • @[email protected]
        -51 month ago

        The idea of gender is just stupid and has to go, regardless if people consider it real or not, it’s a social construct that must go

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Well that’s what Trump is trying to do so.

          I guess you and the fascist are getting your wish.

          Seriously though, gender is older than Homo sapiens. It’s about division of reproductive labor and the classes that humans form around that

          The gender binary needs to go. Gender inequality needs to go. But people are going to have gender as long as we have class distinctions and we are a long way from outgrowing that.

  • Decoy321M
    530 days ago

    Sorry, op. I’m locking this thread, the discussion is getting too ugly for individualized moderation.

  • @[email protected]
    30 days ago

    Fuck. My autistic self has enough problems already and recently I get all gender-questioning while hugging my Blåhaj (still comfortably cis by day though). Seeing articles that imply I am “at risk” of being queer does not help: I don’t want to go through the phase of finding out and potentially having to tackle the choices and processes involved before I sort out my ADHD-like symptoms. Trans folk REALLY is brave to have picked the fight against all the social norms. Should I unsubscribe from 196 to hopefully reduce the temptation to find out? Yes, I’m a bit of a coward.

    • @fubo
      211 month ago

      Maybe don’t use mental health to attack people you disapprove of? The point of mental health is to help people, not to attack them.

      • John Richard
        -51 month ago

        Saying trans people have autism is ridiculous.

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          And that’s not what the article says. It says that there is a correlation between the two.

          I’m trans and not autistic. But I do see that correlation in a number of my trans and autistic peers. Up thread there were some very good comments on why this might be from posters that I assume are both trans and autistic.

    • Flying Squid
      171 month ago

      And your psychology degree is from where?

    • haui
      -11 month ago

      Like 80% of teens could now be evaluated as being on some spectrum of autism.

      You dont get to talk about autism unless you are autistic, bigot. (Even then you would only get to talk about YOUR autism. Stop spreading these baseless, cookie cutter right wing talking points that dont help anyone.

      But imagine if mental health professionals made up some word for everyone that got tattoos, saying they had skin dysphoria.

      Imagine you shutting your face about other people‘s skin, identity, mental health and decisions. Typical right wing obsession with overstepping other people‘s boundaries. I understand you have never learned them and grew up in a world where you were told your and other‘s boundaries dont matter. That does not give you the right to do it to others.

      Or imagine if they actually did their job & identified most Christians in America as mentally ill & prone to delusions.

      Classical false equivalence used to drive misinformation and abusive speech. Religious people around the world are not your enemy. It is their choice to believe in what they want. As you show well, being religious and an overstepping abusive dick is not connected.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        You dont get to talk about autism unless you are autistic, bigot

        TIL 100% of the Psychiatry profession is autistic.

        • Final Remix
          41 month ago

          Right? What an insane take.

          Guess I’m not allowed to help children on the spectrum learn daily living skills, or teach language skills to kids who communicate by injuring themselves.

        • @EndlessApollo
          -31 month ago

          Ngl I really wish more psychological “professionals” would just shut up be stop encouraging people to abuse autists

          They’re still infinitely qualified to talk about it than randos on lemmy tho

        • haui
          -51 month ago

          Another bigot. Thanks for showing yourself. Blocked.

          Of course academics make research but anyone in good faith knows that this was not about research but a bigot trying to dump on people finally finding out about themselves.

          • @tfw_no_toiletpaper
            -11 month ago

            Then don’t make a generalizing statement lmao. Maybe something like “People without ASD are not allowed to discriminate, talk down to or spread misinformation about people with ASD”? Not being allowed to talk about any group you don’t belong to is just a ridiculous stance.

            • haui
              130 days ago

              Yeah, no. I meant what I said. I dont want to read third party views about autistic people from non autistic people. Just exchange autistic with black, trans or any other minority. It is not their place to make such statements. Its bad taste or patronizing in positive ways and bigotted if done in negative ways.

      • @feedum_sneedson
        11 month ago

        You can talk about whatever you want. Don’t let people bully you into thinking otherwise.

        • haui
          11 month ago

          Yeah, no. Every minority will rip you a new one if you spread misinformation about them. And for good reasons. Its hard enough to live with systemic discrimination. You dont get to discriminate us further.

      • John Richard
        1 month ago

        You dont get to talk about autism unless you are autistic, bigot. (Even then you would only get to talk about YOUR autism. Stop spreading these baseless, cookie cutter right wing talking points that dont help anyone.

        You’re calling me a bigot for what? Because I said trans people don’t have a mental disorder?? Are you really suggesting now that saying trans people have gender dysphoria because of autism, and that is somehow non-bigoted? You have no clue what my experience is with autism, but I know that having autism doesn’t make people trans.

        Imagine you shutting your face about other people‘s skin, identity, mental health and decisions. Typical right wing obsession with overstepping other people‘s boundaries. I understand you have never learned them and grew up in a world where you were told your and other‘s boundaries dont matter. That does not give you the right to do it to others.

        Imagine you’re so clueless that you think me saying that the ones claiming gender dysphoria is linked to autism are wrong, and that those claims are absurd. Right wingers are happy to support circumcision & have no prob with tattoos. The point was that they ARE overstepping & hypocritical, but somehow you think I should shut up cause in your mind it helps trans people if a baseless study says they all have autism.

        Classical false equivalence used to drive misinformation and abusive speech. Religious people around the world are not your enemy. It is their choice to believe in what they want. As you show well, being religious and an overstepping abusive dick is not connected.

        90% of the hate towards trans people comes from people that believe in fairy tales, predominantly Christianity & Islam. But go ahead & think they’re all your friends and that believing in fairy tales is totally healthy & normal, especially the ones where they don’t think trans people should be allowed to exist. You severely lack any intelligence on this subject. I’m left wondering if you’re the right-wing plant.

      • @[email protected]
        101 month ago

        comment you’re replying to is off the farm, but talking shit about another instance is kind of hilarious given where you’re coming from.