I once tried to set up my first PIN using the year Mark McGwire hit 70 home runs. The problem was that my PIN was 9870, and i quickly realized that was just 1234 with extra steps and had to come up with something else. Unfortunately i have no clue what i changed it to, as it wasn’t able to sit in my mind nearly as well.
Should’ve gone with 4321, the year the last of the homo sapiens died.
(Yes, there’s some debate over whether or not the corpse of the full dive hermit indicates a death after 4321 but the expert intelligences with the largest databases on the subject all agreed it would be best to leave it at 4321 because of its religious significance to the AI multiverse culture thanks in no small part to the sacred text of the prophet, Paul Auster)
Some background for the unfamiliar:
“OP” is the abbreviation for “Ordo Prædicatorum”, or “Order of Preachers” in English, aka the Dominicans.
Saint Dominic is the founder of their order.
That’s the kind of combination an idiot would have on his luggage
Yeah, I’m not even religious and I knew about 1234.
that’s a ridiculous way to remember it when you can easily tell it’s the number you would get if you concatenate the single digit even numbers excluding 0 in ascending order and divide it by 2.
The Catholic Church has always been creative with its execution methods
That brother is a total slut for canonization trivia.
Brother Patrick should reconsider if he chose the right order.