Themed event duration: Feb. 6th - 26th
- Event PV
- Part 1
- New Doll: Dushevnaya (limited)
- New elite weapon: Eulogistic Verse (limited)
- Part 2
- Rate up:
- Dushevnaya
- Littara
- Krolik
- Suomi
- Nemesis
- Rate up:
- Part 3
- Outfits:
- Strawberry Zabaione (Sabrina)
- Sparks on the Circuit (Cheeta)
- Sparkling Ocean (Suomi, return)
- Weapon skins:
- Pool Guardian (OTs-14)
- Fatal Lover (QBZ-191)
- Outfits:
- Part 4
- Events:
- Halting Station (themed event) [Feb. 6th - Feb. 26th]
- Frontline Survivors (Vapire Survirors/Holocure minigame)
- Fragrance Gift (spend energy to get rewards) [Feb. 9th - Feb. 23rd]
- Simulation Exercise (complete stages within turn limit) [Feb. 12th - Feb. 26th]
- Para Bellum (log in rewards) [Feb. 22nd - Mar. 8th]
- Elmo’s Wishing Well (bonus daily missions for additional rewards) [Feb. 24th - Mar. 10th]
- Intelligence Supplies [Feb. 14th - Feb. 19th]
- Targeted Study - Fission [Feb. 20th - Feb. 26th]
- Other additions:
- Convenant for Daiyan and Makiatto
- Story campaign optimization for chapters 7 and 8
- Harmonic Synchronization (complete tasks to obtain Cheeta and resources)
- Standard Banner targeted rate-up (select Doll or weapon you want to aim for)
- Intelligence Puzzle max capacity increase to 240
- Birthday Greetings (messages with gifts from Dolls)
- Voyage Logs update (added affinity items)
- Events:
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