A+ title
Soup is good food. You make a good meal.
Disclaimer: while this is an old joke, I copied this exact text (minus formatting changes) from a Reddit post after doing a web search to make sure I remembered the joke correctly.
A Buddhist monk walks up to a hot dog vendor and says: “Make me one with everything.”
After a brief chuckle, the vendor makes the hot dog and gives it to the monk, saying “That will be $4 please.” After the monk hands over a $10 bill, he finds himself waiting uncomfortably while the vendor does nothing except stare back at him.
Awkwardly, the monk asks “What about my change?” “Ah,” replies the hot dog vendor, “Change must come from within.”
My wife has full permission to eat me at any time she chooses
Finally a Tumblr screenshot that makes sense!
why don’t you want to be soup? Soup is good! people love soup! Join us in soup!