“Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3” is now available on Disney+ starting today.
Only Marvel Studios movie (besides NWH) that I watched, let alone went to a theater to see. Not as funny as 1, but a much better story than 2. That “one shot” scene was so amazing. Maybe a little too long, but I enjoyed it quite a bit…easily the most emotional of them all.
I watched them for characters and their stories, and with time I became bored with marvel action scenes. If you think about it, these characters resolve almost all their problems with punching others. That “one shot” scene is excellent, badass, and for the first time in a long while - I enjoyed a Marvel action scene. Nevertheless, it’s a great farewell for James Gunn. I enjoy immensely, and I’m not planning to watch MCU for a while. Maybe Loki season 2 will be an exception.
I think this is still my favorite movie of the year so far with Spiderverse (haven’t watched Oppenheimer yet). I’ve been so tired of MCU movies and this gave quite a breath of fresh air. High high recommend.
Spidervers beats this. John wick is 2nd. And then Oppenheimer was probably tied with guardians but honestly Oppenheimer wasn’t all that great.
I saw a stream/DVD rip a couple of weeks ago, where that copy came from then?
The digital version has been available for purchase for a few weeks. It’s just now getting to Disney+ so you don’t have to buy it.
I didn’t like it as much as some of the early Marvel films, but I liked it better than some of the recent stuff they’ve put out.
They did a very good job of making me hate the bad guy.
Did anyone else think it was terrible? It felt very much like the Christmas Special which was mostly cringe. It seems like GotG 3 was pretty well received though.
GotG3 was the first Marvel I honestly just liked in a while. It has started to feel like the mojo has been lost - that spark of whimsy and fun. It feels stupid to say something like the Marvel franchise has become formulaic given that it’s always been so, but they’ve definitely been feeling like they’re just ringing the cash register recently. GotG3 was a pleasant surprise for me.
Shang Chi was relatively recent and I liked it. The fight between Shang Chi’s parents looked unlike anything we’ve seen in the MCU. Most fights are fights. That fight felt like a conversation.
It felt very much in the vein and quality of the previous Guardians films to me, so I figured, if people loved those, they would also love this. Personally, I thought it was probably one of the better non-Spider-Man marvel offerings we have gotten in a while. The last phase had a lot of underwhelming releases.
I wouldn’t say it was terrible, but a lot of it felt kinda meh compared to the other two.
Wasn’t a fan at all. Watched in a group of 6 and I was in the minority. Felt lacking of the whimsy/fun the first and second had.
It was the best mcu release of recent other than spiderman. But it still didn’t live up to the first two gotg. Disney doesn’t know how to let characters have impactful conclusions and it’s all just cheesy in the end.
Yes. I think the bar has gotten so pathetically low for marvel movies that this turd came in above expectations. Nothing more.