I’m digging the heart-butts though.
Tattoo machines were regulated?
They were self regulated by the tattoo industry. Shops wouldn’t sell them to you online or in person without a license or a verified shop claiming you. Then, Amazon started selling cheap, Chinese knock off kits to whoever had access to a credit card.
Maybe they wanted to avoid people tattooing rose vines that look more like ballsacks on their skin.
I’ve done 3 tattoos with a tattoo gun made of a guitar string, eraser, and electric toothbrush.
One was a plain black ring around my friend’s finger
Another was “METAL” inside another friend’s lip
And the other was on my roommate’s arm, a terrible drawing with an apology for the quality written under it in big letters. [ETA] I forgot about the big smiley face under the words because he thought it sounded too angry
If I wanted to doxx myself, I’d post the last one because it’s very unique and hilarious.