Explanation: Not a major figure of the Civil War, but a story of how fiercely men can fight when the passion for liberty sparks. Sgt. Jack Johnston was an African-American man who absolutely laid into a unit of Confederates in hand-to-hand combat; unfortunately, he was killed during his valiant action.
The 51st USCI was involved in the Battle of Milliken’s Bend on June 7, 1863, as part of the Vicksburg Campaign. Despite having only just been organized, the 51st USCI were sent to fight. Sgt. Jack Johnson of the 5th USCHA’s actions that day were remembered by Lt. David Cornwell. He said that Jackson, “Laid into a group of Texans… smashing in every head he could reach”, and that, “Big Jack Jackson passed me like a rocket. With the fury of a tiger he sprang into that gang and crushed everything before him. There was nothing left of Jack’s gun except the barrel and he was smashing everything he could reach. On the other side of the levee, they were yelling ‘Shoot that big [soldier]!’ while Jack was daring the whole gang to come up and fight him. Then a bullet reached his head and he fell full on the levee.”